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For t?ale, Ezchange and Want Column.--Any Cooper Club member is entitled to one advertising notice in each issue free. Notices of over ten lines will be charged for at the rate of ten cents per line. For this department, address W. Lain CH?MBZaS, Eagle Rocl?, Los Angeles County, California. EXCHANGE---?,Vhite-throated Swift sets, nests and skins iu exchange for other equally rare species. Will accept commission to collect Swifts and other species from this locality-- Mas. ANTONETTE K. THOMAS, ?$1li?K$, l?font. FOR SALE--100 back numbers of Bird-Lores and Condors?--J. L. SLOA?A?rER, Kalispell, ?ro?lana. I WA? a ?mplete ?t or odd volumes of the Pr?eedin? of the BiologicM ?iety of ingt?. Will ?ve g?d exchange or XV. L? CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los ?ngeles County, Cal?ornia. Jo? B. LI?s?Y, 2611 ?a? it., Fort Womb, Texas, wants: One skin each of male and female A. O. U. nos. 239, 242, 246, in winter plumage. Can offer choice sets. W?z?olo?st, 1897, May and D?., 1899, April ?d 8egt.; Nldiolo?s? vol L no. 2, Oct., 1893; O?prey, n. ?., 1902, J?y; iu- dubs, Ornith. Biog., vol. 2; Couch, Second Install. O?ith. Bibliog., 1879; Oolo?t (U?ca, N.Y.), vol. L nos. 1-4, 9; Zoe; Field and Forest; N. A. Fauna, 23; Loomis's CaHL Water Birds, parts 1-5.--B. H. SWALES, ?758 13th ?t., 2V. W., Washington, D. I DESIRE good museum material with com- plete data. Birds, eggs, marine forms, etc. Can furnish any of the southern birds, and have a good series of ducks: Gadwall, Blue- winged Teal, etc.; also shorebirds, geese and herons. Address ALleRED M. BAILEY, Logis- iana Slale I?ruseurn, 2Vew Orleans, La. DONALD R. DIC?rE, San Rafael Heights, Pasadena, Calif. wants to purchase N. Faunas, nos. 16, 17, and 18. WANTED-- Second-hand "Game-Getter" pistol at reasonable cash price. Lock, stock and breech part must be in good working order, but condition of barrels immateriaL--JoSEPH MAILLIARD,1815 Vallejo Sl. ,San Fr artcisco, Cal. XVA?ED--olumes I and 2 of Ridgway's Birds of North and Middle America. For Sale. Coues' Birds of the Northwest $3.50.--H. C. BRYAnt, ?fruseurn of Verlebrale Zoology, Ber- keley, California. MEETINGS OF THE GOOPIR ORNITHOLOGIC&L CLUB Sowr?ER? D?ws?o?;: At the Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Time of meeting, 8 P.M., the last Thurs- day of every month; or on the Tuesday eveuing preceding, when the last Thursday falls on a holiday. Take south-bound car from town; on Spring Street, the car marked "University", on F?ill Street the car marked "Ver- mont and Georgia". Get off at Vermont Avenue and Thirty-uinth Street. Walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the buildin with the large dome. NORTHERN DIVISION: At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. Time of meeting, 8 r. ?., the third Thursday of every month. Take any train or car to University Campus. The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology is a large corrugated iron buildin situated on the south side of the campus immediately north of the foot- ball bleachers. NOTICE Beginning January 1, 1919, subscription rates to T?r CoN?o? will be Two Dollars per year in the United States, Two Dollars and Twenly-fiwe Cents in all other countries.