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THE CONDOR A l?fa?azir?e of ?ffestern Ornitholo? Published Bi-Mo?My by the Cooper Or?tholo?c? Club Endred ? se?nd?la? ?t?r Feb?12. 1?, at the ?ffice at ? A?eles (Holly? Station). Calllomb. under A? of Con?e? of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of TH? CON?OR, ? E. D. Diaz. ?t Natio?l ?nk. Ho11?, C?iforn? SUBSCRIPTION RATES TWo Dollars per Year in the United States, payable in advance. Forty Cents the single copy. Two DoJlars end Twenty-five Cent? per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars oer year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars end Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. Mumcripts for publlca?Lon, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor. J. ORIl%Tl?'ELL. Museum of Verte?a? ?1o?, Unive?ity of C?ifo?ia, ?ley. Californh. C?ms for ?issi? or imo?fect num? should ? made of the B?ness Manager, ? addre?d ?1ow. ?t?n thl?y days of da? of ?ue. Cooer Club Due? Subc?o?oM to The Condor. and Exchu?er, should ? sent to ?e B?iness Manager. For the Purchme of B&ck VoJum? of The Condor or of the Pa?fic ?oMt AwiJau? s?ies, app? to the Busine? M?ag?. W. L? CH?U?S, Business Man?er, ?gle R?k, ? ?geles County, Callfo?ia. _lrss?ed $epgernber $0, 1919 CONTENTS Autobiographical Notes (continued) (with portrait) ............................................ ............................................................................... .Henry Wetherbee Henshaw 177 Differential Sex Migration of Mallards in New Mexico ................ Aldo Loo10old 182 Description of a Twenty-year Series of Eggs of the Sierra Junco (with four photos by Olu! J. Heinemann) ................................................ Milton ?'. Ray 184 A Return to the Dakota Lake Region (continued)....Florence Merriam Bailey 189 Bird Notes from Southeastern Oregon and Northeastern California (with five photos) ................................................................................ ?oorge Willett 194 The Wilson Snipe Nesting in Southern California ........................ Eclwar5 Wall 20? Description of a New Subspecies o Pipilo luscus ............ Harr?l C. Oberholser 210 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Fly-catching Birds ................................................................ ffoselol? Mailliard 212 A California Specimen of the Sandhill Crane ...................... H. ?. ?'lvarth 212 Sharp-shinned Hawks and Small Birds ................................ Allan Brooks 213 Notes from Inyo County, California ............................ Austin Paul 8mith 213 The California Jay as a Bird Killer .................................... Trac?l L ?torer 214 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS .................................................................................. 214 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................................................ 216