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Mar., x9ot I THE CONDOR 45 i. DUCKS (Sp?)--Several flocks seen; too far off to recognize the species. 2. GREAT BLUE HERON (?4rdea herodias)--Several; I have often ridden up near enough to see the yellow of the eyes. 3. BLACK-CROWNED NIGFIT HERON (zVyclicoraa: n. ncevius)--Numerous among flooded willows. 4- VIRGINIA RAIL (Railus virginianus)--Often heard, and by watching a spot from where the calls came, I discovered a bird, posed perfectly motionless. $. lci'LORIDA GALLINULE ((;allinula;ffaleala)--A number seen among willows; the only place I have ever found gallinules. 6. AMERICAN COOT (Fulica americana)--Seen along with the last. 7- AMERICAN AVOCET (Recurviroslra americana)--A flock seen on sand-bar in river. 8. LEAST SANDPIPER ( Tringa minulilla)--A small bunch flying about a mud-flat. 9. GREATER YELLOW-LEGS (Tolanus melanoleucus)--Seen along water course of river. IO. KILLDEER (?Egialilis vocifera)--A few seen; evidently migrants, for they appeared worn and tired as if from long flight. ?t. GAMBEL'S P.XRTRIDGE (Lophorly.rgambeli)--Numerous and unsuspicious of man. 12. MOURNING DoVE (Zenaidura macroura)--Comxnon among mesquites. I3. MEXICAN GROUND DOVE (6blumbigallina passerina pallescens--Only a pair seen. 14. TURKEY VULTURE (Catharles aura)--Always in sight from daylight till dark. 15. M.XRSH HAWK ((rcus hudsonius)--One seen; an early migrant. I6. S?{ARP-SHINNUD HAWK (ztccipiler velo.r)--Several seen dashing after sparrows. 17. (2OOPER'S HAWK (,4ccipiter cooperi)--One seen patiently watching a chance to pounce on a Coot or 11allinule. ?8. PIGEON HAWK (l?tlcO columbarius)--One seen dashing into a willow thicket. 19. DESERT ?SPARRO?V HAWK (P}th'O spa?'z,erius deserlicolus)--Common along fences and about fields. 20. BURROWING OWL (?$)?eolylo cunitularia hypogYea)--One seen ou the desert.

?I. BEI,TED KINGI*ISHER (?l:r[e alo,on)--Seen about the flooded willow ground.

22. TEXAN WOODPECKEn (Dryobates scalaris bairdi)--.qeen among the cottonwoods along the river. =3. RED-NAP?*.D S.?PSUCKEn (?5?Ohyrapicus vatins unchalis)--()ne seen busy pecking into the trunk of a willow. 2 4. LEWIS'S WOODPECKER (Jgelanerpes lorqualus)--Several seen; first titne I have seen this species in this valley. =5- (;ILA WOODPECKER (3?lelanerpes ttropygialis)--Common; often seen Perched on the houses of the Indians. ?6. (;ILr?ED FLICKER (Colapteschrysoides)--A number seen. 27. TI?;XAN NIGItTHAWK (ChordPiles aculipennis teacensis)--Several seen flying overhead. =8. VAUX'S SWIFT (Chcelura vauaci)--A number seen in company with swallows. 29. BLACK-CHINNED HUMMINGBIRD (Trochilus aleacandri)--One seen attracted by thd open flowers of the morning-glory. 3 o. RUFoUS HUMMINGBIRD (Selasphorus rufus)--Seen with the above, and at the same time. 3I. ARKANSAS KINGBIRD (Tyrannus verlicalis)--A few belated migrants seen. 32. CASSIN'S KINGBIRD (Tyrannus vociferans)--More numerous than the foregoing species. 33. SAY'S P[tOEBE (Sayornis saya)--Occasionally seen about the houses. 34- BLACK P[tOEBE (Sayornis nigricans semiatra)--A few seen near water. 35. t)LIW:-SIDED FLVCXTCUER (Conlopus borealis)--A number seen here only as migrants. 36. WESTERN WOOD PEWEE (Conlopus richardsoni)--Quite common. 37. HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHER (Empidonavc hammondi)--A few seen. 38. WESTERN FLYCATCHER (Empidonaac diflicilis)--One seen. 39. VERMILION FLCATCI-IER (Pyrocephalus rubinPus me,ricanus)--Several seen, all fentales. 40. WOOD[tOt:SE'SJX (?4phelocoma woodhousei)--Fairly common; have never seen so many in this valley before: winter visitants. 4I. PINON JAY t?yanocephalus cyanocephalus)--First heard; then saw three fly front the trees; first record for this part of Arizona. 42. AMERICAN RAVEN (Corns coraa' sinuatus)--A pair flew down into a field near my camp soon after daylight; the only ones seen. 43. COWBIRD (Mololhrus aler)--Seen among Red-wings; probably the northern form. 44. SON'ORAN RED-WING (?t, ffelaiusphoeuiceus sonoriensis)--Seen among rushes and in flocks in cornfields.