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THE CONI)()R [ Vol. III PHOTO BY C. BAFiLOW COJNTRY AB?IJT ECHO. LOOKING TOWARO THe. SUMMIT. /brans/es vesper/btus moith?i;tts) resullcd from the trip. At that time [ spent sever- al days collecting xxith them at Fvffe. In i897 Mr. Beck made a hasty trip as far as the summit, while Henry W. Cartiger ?nd myself confined our tei? days' operations to Fyffe, where l,. I,?. Taylor acted as host. Mr. Taylor has collected a portion of each summer since ?896, and, owing to his hospitalily, Fyffe ha growu to be the Mecca of uumerous ornilhol.- gi.?ts whose time precludes their going farther into the region. In ?898 Mr. Price went over the route as usual while I spent ten days with Mr. Taylor, at which tiine the second known set o! herinit warbler was collected. In Julre, i899 , Messrs. Carriger, John M. Welch a,?d ,nyself spent a xw-ek at Fyffe engaged in general work. In i9oo Win. L. Atkinson, Mr. Taylor ai?d I collected tit Fyffe and as far east as Pyramid Peak, which wax climbed on June io. During the past season (i9oi ? Mr. Taylor ai?d I traversed the entire lei?gth of the road to Tallac, devoting about two weeks to the trip. Mr. Taylor was later stationed at Meyer's Statio,? and Glen Alpine Springs where he secured SO,lie interesting i?otes. I am especially indebted to Mr. W. V. Price fi?r his supplementary notes to my liat as well as for cordial co-operation. He adds a material uumber of species to the list, a fact due doubtless to his extensive study of the region. Me.,srs. Wilfred H. Osgood, R. H. Beck aud Forrest Hanfi?rd have kindly furnished i?ie with data conceruing the occurrence of various species iu the region. while Mr. Chas. A. Swisler has favored me with a local list from Placerville where he has re-