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THE CONDOR' [ VOL. V rlAIIl[ ORIIITIIOLO(ilCAL THE WARBLER It. isaquart,e,r!y journal?f Mai. ne 8UB80RIPTIO# PRIOE Only 30 Oente for Three Years. First number Issued January, 190?. The "WARBLER '* as a department of the Mayflower Magazine has made hosts of friends, and l- now able to walk alone. Address THE WfiRBLER, Floral ParL #. Y. annum, x 5 cents, per copy. Send stamp for sample copy. j. MERTON SWAIN, ?ditor & Bua?ueas Manager, I?AIRI?I]?LD, MAINLY. Blind STUDENTS Who are interesteel in the personal and historical sides of American Ornithology will welcome the announcement that during the year x9o3 BIED = LOPE Proposes to publish the portraits of the fifty prominent ornithologists forming its ADVXSOR COUNCIL; while an early number will contain an account of the publishing of the first (x872) edition of Coues' 'Key' by its financial sponsor, Pros F. W. Putnam, together with a facsimile reproductiou of a page of proof containing characteristic annotations by Dr. Coues. A?{JAL ${JBSCI?IPTIO? $I.00 including a free copy of Bird-Lore's Bird- chart which figures 62 Perching Birds. OntJl February I, 1903 New Subscribers to

 *** *..?BII?D-LOI?E will be given a free copy of the December, 1902, number, containing 

Ernest Thompson Setoh's article on "Journal Keeping" and Frank M. Chapman's account of Flamingoes' Nests with a photograph of a group of 2,ooo nests. THE MACMILLA? CO., 66 Fifth Avenue, ?qew York Cify