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I '" " "'" I m d.ring the,e,,r ?3 THE Igr?BL? BI!2D LOIRE J Hatur Study J c.m $am's Island A monthly magazine devoted to the Possessions i study of Nature in her varied aspects-- Are of interest to every American nowadays. "Notes of a Naturalist in Guam," written by o! the Rocks, the Birds, the Flowers and Lieut. William E. $afford, who was Lieutenant- Governor of Guam after the Spanish war, is a series of beautifully illustrated articles telling all the multitude o! living things that about this remote island. They are published in crawl or swim. or walk or fly. THI? PLANT WORLD i Terms 50 Cts per Annum In i "Iaaastated Monthly Maga,ineofl'op- advance. aa.r Botany, With departments tlevoted to "The Home Gar?len

Sample copy sent upon receipt and Gree, hoose." and to the Wild ?o,,er Pre.?r- 

vation Society, of which this journal is the ot?ciat organ. Sendstamp for a sample copy. mention- ing Tt?E CONDOm. A copy of our souvenir and I of 2-cent Stamp. anni,,er'"? number free toeve?new subscribes'. Hature Study Prcss ! ,..on,,,,,., Address ?[{k?. ?he Haut Wo?ld Co,-pauy O. Box ?3 Manchester, N.H. P.O. Box 314. WASHINGTON, D. CJ