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I I I I IBIliD • STUDENTS THE WARBLER ttudy vid ftrot^ctloa ot Nortb iLmertoui Wild Bird*. Edited bf RET. H* C ]lttmSO!f, DttCklleM^ Me. PuttUslied bj tllA UB901IIPTIOII PHIOV Only lO 0«nt» for Thr«« V«arft. Pint ti amber lisued JB-niurri ^V3&. Ilifl

    • WARBLRK " u a dei?&rtzneDt of ttae M47flower

31 iLgaxtne heji madei boeto of fiiuidi, and l-* now «bl« ro wftik TBE WBUBLEII, Flonl Pa rt. H, T. , I I I I I Wbo «r« iQlercflted u tBe personal and bUtoricat sides of Atnertcan Ornithology will welcome the tmaouaeemeQt that durlDg the ^ear 1903 BIBD = LOIiE Proposes to publUb the portraits of the fiftj" promitietit oroitbologists forming ita Advisor V Council; while an early nnmber will conuin an account of the publishing of the first (1873) ediHon of Coues' 'Key- by its financial Bpom- sor, Piof. F. W. Putnam together with a facsimile reproduction of a pafje of proof containing eharacterlatic anno^ tations by Dr. Coues. AMMUAL SUBSCRIPTIOW $1.00 including a free <x5py of Bird -Lore's Bird- chart which figures bi Perching Birds. THB MACMII.I.AN CO., «j6 Fifth Avenue, New York City. (Nature Study I A ^/^Vltlllir Wiae¥4v{tiA t^A-*rJiaA #J^ tKa ^^ I I I I A monthly magazine devoted to the study of Nature in her varied aspects — of the Rocks, the Birds, the Flowers and all the multitude of living things that crawl or swim, or walk or fly* Terms 50 Cts per Annam In ddvance. Sample copy sent upon receipt of 2-ceiit Stamp. Natvre Slvdy Press Manchftatcrt M* H. Uncle Satn*s Island Possessions A re of interesl to irvery Amerkiti} nowadays. "Notes of A Naturalist in Guam/' writtrn hy Lieut William g Safford. wjio wa« Ucutenant- Go^'errior ot Guam alter the :apatiL«iti "war, is a seriea of beautifully illuMrated article!* teeing ft bout this remote Island. Thc^ ate publiah^ m THE PLANT WORLD An IHuatrated Monthly ]Ca8«x1&c of Fop- alar a^taujr, With departtneBts uevoted to "The Honte Garden ■nd Greenhouse/' and to the Wild Pionrer Kre^vr- v^tion Society, of which this journal U the oflidal orgaji. Seucf itanifi for a sain pie copy, iiieiilioD* log The Con do a. A copy of out souvenir and asQiveruiy numbet free to every ucw «at»criber«  fi^oo per Teaf Addresa The FLant WorLd Compaiiy p. O. Baa 3^. WASMIN OTOM, D. C, Digitized by Goo<