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CONTENTS Notes on the Mexican Conuc^raiit (5 halftones) _ , ,,,.,. ^,,,,,E* tV. Nehan 139 On the Use oi Sentinels by Valley QvssM ,.„,., Jahn J. WilHams 146 A List of Binis Ob^enred in Cochbe Co,, Ariiona. Wilfred H* Osgood 149 Note* on the Texan Jay , . , . , Howard Lacey 151 A Ui^t Q^ Birds from the Santa Cruz Mta.» CaL Mmlcatm /* Andfrson a.nAHuhert O, Jenkins 153 Tile Rocky Mountain Screech Owl in l^arimer Co., Colorado. . , . , , .l¥. L^ Bumeti 156 The Santa Qrm Island Vitieo . , .•..,..,.,,,. Jmeph CrinneU 157 CORRESPONDENCE The A O. U, Model Law , ..._„, ..J, A, AUtn 157 Renmrk^on the above ..-*-,* ..,.. ...... WuHer K. Fiskcr 158 On the ^Bonding Clause' of the A. O. U. Model Law .,.,.,.... ,^. W. NgU&n 159 THE EDITOR'S BOOK SHELF Reviews of recent litemture , ,._....,.,, , . . * . Jasepk Grinnell and Walier /C. Fisher 159 EDITORrALS AND NOTES..-.. ,„,.*.. ...._..., 163 H^tared January i6> 1903, at Palo Alto, Cah^ as second-class matter. SEPARATES. Separates of articles in Thr C0Nt>OE will be furnished by The Nace PtttNTiNO CoMFA*ry, Santa Clara, Cal. , at the following uniform rates. AlTorders for sepamtes must accompany manu- acript* and be written plainly at the head of the article. No separates can be furnished gratis* Na of Copies a Pages 4 Pa^e* 8 Fd«es it FugH Cover add Title SO I 90 fi 35 #2 as |a 70 $1 00

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