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Exchanges For Sale, The entire coMection of Bird skins and eggs formerly owned by one of the best known Ornitltologists in tbe West. Write at once for price lists to Wm, h- Atkinson > 807 California atreet, San FranciscOj Calif. FOR SALE CHE ^P. First class sets of data as follows: A. O, D. Nos, I i-s at 15c; a)^ at aoci 3 1-5 at loc; 4 i-S at yc; 5 i'5at r7ci6»4 1-6 at 5c; 7 la at 75c; 12 i-i at 25c, 13 i-i at loc; ija i-i at 60c; 14 i-i at 95c: t6 i-i at 45c; 27'^ at lie; 285^ at 45c; 31a 1-1 at 30c; 35 >^ at 3oc; 37*.^; at i8c; 40'^^ at tac; 43 >^ at 60c; 47 If at 20c; 51 K at loc; 52*^ at|i.oo;56H at loc; 59*^i at 15c; 65 ^ at 12c; 67^^ at i2c; 70>^at4c; 72 ^,f at 5c; 74K at 4c; 75 I-I at loc; 76 I-I at 50c; 77 »i at 5c; 78^ at iSc; 79 1-1 at i2c; Bo}4 at 5c; 104 i-i at toe; to6 i-i at 5c; IJ5,^4 at 50c; 120c f.^' at 250; I23b*^ at loc; 125;^ at 20c; 126?,^ at loc; uS i-i at 50c; 129 i-ii at 35c; 130 i-sat I2c; 135 1-7 at aoc; 141 1-14 at 20c; 143 1-9 at itSc; 147 1-9 at 30c; 14S 1-6 at 30c; 152 1-9 at 25c; 155 1-6 at 35c; 160 Vi at loc; 16.^ 1-9 at 40c; 172^' at 45c; 180*^ at $1.75; 1S2 i-i at 43c; 191 1-5 yX at 7c; 1943^ at 10c; 196'^ at 15c; 201/4 at 6c; 202X at 5c; 211 1-9 at 5c; 213 r^io at 5c; 214 1-9 at sc; 219 i-13 at 4c; 220 t-7 at 5c; 221 i-S at 4c; aaa^ at 25c; 225X at 12c; 7^S}4 at 15c; 230 ,5| at 95c; 261?^ at ISC^ 263*^ at loc; 2^7 K at 20c; 269 '^ at 5c; 271 1-4 at ^>c; 273 1-3 1-4 at lOc; 278 1-2 at 15c; aSo 1-3 at loc; 289b 1-13 at 5c; 294 1-17 at 7c; 300 i-io at 9c; 305 i-io at 7c; 311 1-4 at 25c; 314 1-2 at 25c; 316 1-2 at ^c 318 1-3 at 12c; 319 i-^ at loc; 320a 1-2 at i8c; 322 i-i at 75c; 325 1-2 at 2SC, 326 i*a 2-1 at 30c; 329 I-I at 95c; 335 1-3 at iSc; 336 1-3 at i8c; 337 1-4 at 25c; 339 1-3 1-4 at 25c; 341 I-I at 4Dc; 342 1-2 at aoc; 343 1-2 at 45c; 355 I-I at Ji,35; 358a 1-3 at tSc; 359a 1-5 at loc; 360 1-3 at 8c; 360a i-a 1-3 4-4 13-5 1-6 at toe; 365 1-4 1*5 i^ 1-7 at loc: 3*56 1*4 at 152; 368 1-2 at 45«^; 368a 1-2 at 45c; 373a 1-3 at aoc; 373b 1-4 at 15; 373c 1-3 I'Sat I2c; 373d 1^5 at 80c; 375 r-3 at 45c; 377 1-4 at 35c; 378 1-7 at loc; 385 1.3 1-5 at 9c; 3S6 1-4 at 50c; 387 t'^ at 7c; 390 1-7 at loc; 402 i-s at i8c; 406 1-5 at 5c; 407 1-4 at lac; 408 1-8 at 1 2c; 410 1-6 at asc; 413 i-8 at 3c; 413 1-4 1^6 at 7c; 413a 1-6 at aoc; 414 1-7 at 30c; 416 1-3 at soc; 417 1-2 at soc; 418 i-t at I1.25 420a i-a at 15c; 430b I-I at 35c; 421 1-2 at 15c; 423 1-4 at 5c; 429n-2 at asc: 443 1-3 at 5c: 444 1-7 at 3c; 447 1-6 at 3c; 453 i'5atr5c;454 1-5 at 15c; 456 i-5at4c;457T-5at 7ct 45^ 1-5 n-5 at sc; 462 t-3 n-3 at 8c; 466 1-4 at loc; 46S 1-3 at 30c; 473 1-4 at 5c; 474f 1-3 at lac; 477 1*5 at 5c; 477a 1-4 at 10c; 4S8 i»5 at 5c; 489 1-5 at iSc; 490 »'4 at toe; 493 i^ at 5c; 499 i-4 at 5c: 500 1-4 at 5c; SOI 1-5 at sc; 501b 1-5 at 6c; 505 1-5 at 6c; 505a 1-3 at 12c; 506 1-4 at sc; 507 1-5 at 5c; 508 1-6 at sc: 510 i-5at4c; 511 i-5at4c; 511a 1-5 at 6c; sub 1-5 at 4c; 513 1-4 at 7c; 519 t-s at 3c; 530 1-4 at 5c; 531 i-s at 9c; 540 1^4 at 5c; 542 1-4 at 75c; 55? 1-4 at 4c; S53a 1-5 at 4c; 560a 1-5 at 4c: 563 1-4 at 4c; 581a 1*3 at 25c; 581b 1-4 at aoc; 581C I'j at 5c; 584 1^4 at 7c; 587 1-4 at 4c: sSSft 1-4 at 7c; 591 1-2 at 15c; 591b 1-4 at 4c; 503 1-4 at 4c; 594 1-3 1-4 at isc; 595 1-2 at 6c; 596 1-3 at 6c; 598 i-3at5c; 601 J^4at4c; 602 1-3 at asc; 604 1-5 at sci 610 1*2 at loc; 611 1-4 at 7c; 613 1-6 at 4c; 614 1-6 at 6c; 616 1-5 at 4c: 617 1-4 at I2c: 619 1-4 at 5c; 620 n-2 at 150; 622 n-6 at 5c; 622a 1-5 at 5c; 622b 1-6 at 5c; 624 1-4 at 6c; 633 1-2 at 10c; 633a t'4 at 20c; 652 1-4 at 4c; S^za. 6Sia 1-4 at 15c: 6S3 1-4 at sc; 683a 1-4 at 5c; 6S7 1*3 at 5c; 703 1-4 at 5c; 705 1-5 at 3c; 706 1-4 at 7c; 707 1-4 at 7c; 710 1-2 at Sc; 722 1-5 at 50c; 724 1-5 at 40c; 725 1-4 at sc; 7353 1-4 at 5c; 735 i-7atsc: 7421*4 at asc; 743a j-7 at 9c; 751 t-5 at i2c: 753 1-3 at 25c; 755 1^4 at 5c; 759a 1-4 at 30c; 759^ 1-4 at i&c; 761a 1-4 at 4c/ 764 1-5 at 30c; 767 1-5 at sc. 768 1-5 at 10c. Nests same price as eggs. If you care for substitutes please name them. For orders under |i,oo send loc additional for postage. List of foreign sets will lie sent for stamp. M, L WiCKS. Jr. laS New Hellman Brk, Los Angeles, Cal, SouTttSRK Eggs For S a lk Ch^a.p— Choice s*?ts with fnll and accurate data, American Oystercatcher 40c, ChuckwilPs Widow $l, Night'bawk aoc, Willet isc, Wilson *s Plover ISC Royal Tern isc Clapper Rail loc, Brown Pelican loc, Laughing Gnll loc, Boat-tailed GracJtle loc, Purple Martin 10c, Green Heron 5c, Painted Bunting 5c, Black Skimmer 5c, Vellow-breasted Cbat s^t Indigo Bunting 5c, etc. Southern sea-shore sets for collections a specialty. List for stamp, DR, M* T, CLECKLEV, 457 GRUm^n St. AoCUSTA, GEO&GtA. WANTED. Vol 5, of The Oologist Albion N. V. for cash. To exchange f ta.qo worth of western eggs in sets^ fnll data for tobacco tags^ coupons^ and cigar bands; all letters answered ^ no cards. C. M. Casb, loo Ashley St, Hartford » Conn, Digitized by Google