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^xdiaHKea. N. B,— EveT>' Cooper Clcb Member is en- titled to tliree tVatti or Exchange aoticea per year provided these do not exceed 55 words each. VALUABLE LIBRARY FOR SALE, The undersigned Ims been commissioned to dispose of the foUowinjf books from the library ol the Late Chester Barlow. Only cash OFFERS will receive consideration. Buiieiin 0/ Nut tail OmiiJtaiagiaii Citib, 8 vols. coniplete, bound in 3 vols, ThsAnk^ vols, 1 to 12 incl., bound. California Land Birds '^Ornithology of Cal.'* Cooper, 3 copieSi Ornithology of Utah, Nevada, Cal., Colorado, N. M. and Ariz. H. W. Henshaw, ('*iooth Meridian,^') Kests and Eggs of North American Birds, Davie. Methods in Art of Tajcidermy. Davie. Bird -Nesting in N. W. Canada. Walter Raine. Report upon Natural History Collections in Akska, 1877-81. E. W. Nelson. Contributions to Nat. Hist, of Alaska, L. M. Turner, Eggs of North American Birds, J^laynard, Bird Homes. Dugmore. Bird Studies With a Cameni. Chapman. With Nature and Camera. Kearton. The A, Q. U. Checklist of N. A. Birds, mA ed., s ^ Manual of N. A. Birds, 4th ed. Ridgway. Review of Am. Birds. Baird. Birds of N. and Middle Ara.^ pt. i. Ridgway, a copies. Birds of Springfield and Vicinity. Robert O. Morris, American Ornithahgy, VoL L Ooiogist, Vols,, 9 & 10. Omiiho/oghi and Oaiogisf, VoW 11 to i6, un- bonnd. Bird-Lore, VoL i. (Vols. 2 & 3 unbound.) Bnli, Mich, Orn. dub, Vol. i. N. A. Fauna J 18 & tg unbound. Single volumes of The Auk and Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club will not tje sold. The set goes com- plete. Address Walter K. Fisher, Palo Alto, Cal. For Sale. Carefully prepared collection of California birds and mammals. Binls: 700 *spec imens, 170 species. Mammals 68 species. Price ^300. A. S, Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal,


Bunnell, 2730 Nice Flamingo Skin from the Galapagos; Iguanas, land and marine, one to four feet long, in pickle* Cash or books or jjapers on ornith- ology taken. Erkest Adams. Clipper Gap, Cal, ALL STEVENS RIFLES AND PISTOLS SAFE, DUR ABLE MP A CCBMTC. THE FAVORITE RIFLE is an aflcurate Hfle and pi:ti eveiy shot will rt you hold it. Weight 4^ pounds. Jfmle in three calibers — .S32, .SJ5 and .33 Rim Fire. price: Ho. IT, Plilo S^ghli, . . 16,00 No, tB, Target Slgbttf . « 1,50 Where these rifiefi are not Oftrried in stook by dealers we will aend, escpceea prepaid on receipt of price. Send stamp lor catalog describing complete line and oontainiag valuable informatioQ to atiootem. The J. $T£f Eis iHis m Tool Co. r. 0. Ill ^9^9 GHLGQPEE FALLS. HASS. Foit Sale. A few first class bird and mam- mal skius, Also a few ornithological books and tnagazines, (Vol, i, Os/>rey, etc.) E. MuLLiKEN, 2331 Dana ^t., Berkeley, CaK THE AMERICAN BIRD MAGAZINE ProfuBcly ill««t™tf?cl with Photographs of WUU Birds from Life, Fresh, inter- »dng, and inatrnctive Bird Literature. H*ttr3rtbintj origitial Each nuraber eDntidus Ten Birds in Natural Colors For irtentificfitlons Monthly, $I,00 per year Sm^le Copies lO centa Everyone autsoibitig mow 1.4 entitled to a l,lle- sized Eulargemem at Ihe "CMppT F&tnUy*' in nauiral colors, on p«tp*r 12*10 iuches. This ia prob- ftbic the lw»t photoKriii>h e*er tiikea of an entire In mil y of live wUd birds. SPECIAL ^ * ^ To flU who mention "T^e Condor" we will wnd Vol. I and IT, and eult- flcrtptiousi ior 1903* with ibe "Chippy FuHiily , ' * for |a. 50. Add r e<». American Ornithology ^SfSSf"' Digitized by Google