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WANTED— R^«ty dealer sud csoUector to Bend me his address Uiat I m&T send out satnpie fiheeta of my Standard Field Note and Data Blank Books, endoried by advanced collectors and dealers* Reconime tided by Ornithological Clubs. *'A11 answered/* Address* GEO, W. MORSE, Box 130. Ashley, lud. OLD CORRESPONDENTS AND NEW, please give me a chaitce at yottr good things this season, in the Oological line. I have hopes of many good things myself. Want particular- ly sets of mountain and plumed partridge. FREDM. DILLE, R» F, D. Longmont, Colo* WANTED— Birds and Mamntat ^kins. Can give in exchange the following: Auk Vo!, 16 and 17, Osprey (old series) VoL 2| 3i and 4. Also a few sets of eggs A. O. U. No. 366, 378* 3a7a, 194. W. L. BURNETT, ia8 n, Sherwood St„ Fort CoUifls, Colo. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SALE. A few fine bird pictures, frigate and tropic birds nesting, boobies nesting and in groups, fork -tailed gulls and young and others. Also a most remarkable picture showing over 400 iguanas in a group, and one showing 7 Galap- agos tortoises in their native haunts; 50 cents each or |2*50 a dozen unmounted, I3 a dozen mounted. R. H, BECK, Berry essa, Calif. MMm Oub of CaKM Complete Your Sets Ta» QxmiM^t Vot Ip Not. 3. s Jt 6, encli .4^ " '" n {eomplrU) 1.50 ♦* ■* m '* I. JO I* If jy M ,.ao " ♦' V (Gnrreot) Suisse* i.oo Odd numbcra of II St III each .30 Pacific Coast Avifauxa No. 1 Bipdfl of the KotKbue Sound Region, AlAika. So pp. Map. Joseph Grinndl 75 PACiPie CoAHf AviFAtmA No. 1. Birds of Santa CrUi Co., Cal. pp. aa. R. C. McGregor .»S Paciptc Coast AviFAitKA No. 3. Check-llsl of Calif oral a Birdit; H» pp

nups colored. Joa«pli Grinut^ll .75 

TmiEB A viFAinf AS Ordbrbd Tooethgil 1 .y> Sbpakatsi LiLud Birds ol PlaceTviUe- I^e Tbhoe Stage Ro&d. 35 pp. C, Barlow. .as For Sftle by the Ctab Btialseas-iC«iiaffex, J. ORXKHBLXrt PaU Alto^ Calif. ALL STEVENS RIFLES AND PISTOLS SAFE, DUIULE UD UCOUTE. THE FAVORITE RIFLE IB ftn aooBTile rifle uid puta evBry flhol where yon hold it. Weight 4| pounds. Made in three oaltbeiB — .22, .26 ftnd .32 Him Fire. FntCET i«. n, Plain S^thti. , , tttOO fl«. il, Tinit SliM*. . . %M Where theae ri^ea are not ouried in itook by dealers we will send, espHieB prepaid on reoeipt of pHcje. Bend Bh«mp for oatalpg deaeribing oompleie line &nd oontaimug T&luAble iufwiDAliCiti to ehooteiB. The J, STEfEit AKiS ix^ Tool Co. f, ^ u% «9is» CHICOPEE FAILS, mk^. wm^^i^^sm^m^i^^^^mi^m^ THE AMERICAN BIRD MAGAZINE FTofuKlv iUtivtratcd wi(h PhotogT&pb» ol Wild Birds from Life, FrcBh, Jtiter- EStlug, und itiitfMcUvt Bird Littralure. HveTythinif origiiiaL Each iiumher Cailtaius Ten Birds in Natural Colors For Identifications MonlHly, $LOO p«r year SiA^le C<»pi«9 to c?«tit«  Everyone subscribing now ia eutitled to a I^ife - aired IJularg^finpnt of tKe "Chippy Family^' in natural colors, on paper jax^o inch^. This is prob- 1 ever tAkcn of r wild birdfl. ably tlie bat photogrmph a an entire family of 14ve wil SPECIAL ^ ^ if To bH who mention *^i^e Condot" we will aend VoU T »iid II, laJid aub- scdptlons for 1903, with the "Cbippy Family," for $*,so. Addrefi* American Ornithology ^i'SS*"' Digitized by GooQle