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CONTENTS Young Red-tailed Hawks Fully Fledged, May 24th.. Herman T. Holdman, Frontispiece Photographing the Aerie of a Western Red-tail.. llfilliam Lovell Finleg, 7 photo- graphs by Herman T. Boldman ......................................... 3 An Untenable Theory of Bird Migration .......................... I4?11s II ?. Cooke B Old Fort Tejon ................................................. .Joseph (?rinnell 9 Some Bird Notes from the Central Sierras ........................ Charles R. Ix'eyes I3 l?lr. William Dutcher, portrait .................................................. I7 The California Sage Sparrow .................................... Josefi!? (?rinncll i8 Notes from Flathead, I9O 4 (photograph) .......................... P. fl[. Silloway I9 Summer Birds of the Papago Indian Reservation and of the Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona .................................................... //arty S. Swarth 22 A New Code of Nomenclature ................................... IF. A ?. Fislter 29 EDITORIAL NOTF. S .......................................................... 31 Entered January I6, i9o3, at Palo Alto, Cal., as second-class matter. SEPAPxATES Separates of articles in THE CONDOR will be furnished by THE NACE PRINTING COMPANY, Santa Clara, Cal., at the following uniform rates. All orders for separates must accompany manuscript, and be written plainly at the head of the article. No separates can be furnished gratis. NO. of Copies a Pages 4 Pages 8 Pages 12 Pages Cover and Tflle 50 $ 9o $i 35 $2 25 $2 70 $i oo 75 i oo t 5o 2 4 2 95 i 25 xoo i I5 ? 65 2 65 3 ?5 i 50 NOTICE TO SUBSCB, IBILB, S Subscribers are particularly requested to send their subscriptions directly to Joseph (]rinnell, by postal money order, rather than through news-dealers, subscription agencies, or other middlemen. Subscriptions for x9o 5 are now due. Remit to JOSEPH (?RINNELL, Pasadena, Cal.