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THE WAI BLER WITH I?,5 The Warbler begins a new Sel'i+?S which will ontal. illally Nll- ?erb Coh)red Plates of l'al'O e?gs fillOh a? irtland and Olive Warbl-. Carolina Par- oquet. Clark's Crow. Ip?wi.h aml ?111'ollq Crowned 8parrow. Yellow a.d Black Bail. Calaveras Warbler eW. ?lgo ?plendid illustrations of Bird? and ?ostq. and l?ad- ing articles by well known authorities. PuDllshe? Quarterl? 32 P?ges & Oover Eg? of Kirtland Warbler will be figured in firs? issue(?an,or Fob.)of the new series. a?z?s THE WARBI.ER Benjamin H0ag Books of every description, especi- ally scientific and Nature Study literature. S?bscription agent for all American and Foreign magazines. Oologists' and taxidermists' instru- ments. Oological specimens in fine sets. Kindly favor me with a list of your wants. Prompt quotations. Lists and bulletins for the asking. Back volumes and odd numbers of ornithological magazines, and old out of print books a specialty. Stephentown, - blew Yorg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Bendire's Life Histories of N. A. Birds, Vol. I, Cooper's Ornithology of California, Ridgway's Birds of North and Mid. America P t, L Cook's Birds of Michigan, also TH? CONDOR, first 5 Vols. com- plete. Wanted: The.,quk, Vols. t-8, t3, ?9, 2o, Coues' Birds of the Colorado Valley, 2Vido- logist, Vol. ?, No. 2, Avifauna, No. 3, and others. Would like to receive cash offers of the two last. Books and magazines offered are in good to new condition and only such are desired. C. R. KEYES, Mr. Vernon, Iowa. Southern Birds' Eggs in choice cabinet sets with standard data for sale very cheap or to ex- change. Swainsoh's and Hooded Warblers, Chuck Wills Widow, Am. Oystercatcher, Royal Tern. Wilson's Plover. Willet, Clapper Rail, Black Skimmer, etc. The largest and most valuable collection in the South and a corps of competent collectors. Stamp for list. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. DR. M. T. CLECKLEY, 457 Greene St., Augusta, Ga. WANTED--A pamphlet by ]J. B. Steere en- titled: A L/st of the Birds and Mammals collect- ed by the Steere Expedition to the Philippines. Ann Arbor, Mich.: The Cutler Office, Printers. July x4, ?89o. Write and state cash price. RICHARD C. McGREGOR, Government Laboratories, Manila, P. I. WANTED--First class skins of Wood Duck, also good Indian Relics. Will pay cash or give good exchange. GEORGE J. TILLS, Albion, N.V. FOR SALE--Mounted Birds, Mounted Mam- mals, Bird Skins, Mammal Skins, Birds Eggs and Nests, Indian Baskets, Bows and Arrows, Pottery, Navajo Blankets, etc. GEO. F. BRENINGER, 386 N. 6th St., Phoenix, Ariz.