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132 THE CONDOR I Vor,. VII I887. 1887 . I887. I888. I888. I889. I889.

889 .

I889. I889. I890. I890. 1890. 1890. 1890.


1890. 1890. ?89;. 1891. I89I.


I891. 1892. 1892. 1892. 1893. I893. I893. I893. I893. 1893. I893.


Description of a New Subspecies of Petrel from Guadalupe Island. ,(Bull. Cal. Ac. Sc. II, July, p. 45o. Unusual Nesting Sites I. <(Bull. Cal. Ac. Sc. II, July, pp. 45;'454. Unusual Nesting Sites II. `(Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 2nd Ser. I, 1)ecember, pp. 7-IO. Birds and Eggs from the Farallon Islands. `(Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 2nd Set. I, January, pp. 25-5o. Description of a New Subspecies of Song Sparrow from Lower California, Mexico. `(Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 2nd Set. I, September, p. ;97. Descriptions of the Nests and Eggs of some Lower Californian Birds, with a DescriPtion of the Young Plumage of Geothlypis be[dingi `(Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 2nd Ser. II, October, pp. 2o-24. Notes [on the Small Thrushes of California]. `(Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 2nd Ser. II, October, pp. 69-72. Puff7nus grisezts (Gmel.), P?fJinz?s ,flavia (Forst.)and Sler cor ari?ts ibomarbtus (Temm.) on the Coast of California. `(Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 2nd Ser. II, October, p. 87. A Specimen of Passerella iliaca taken in California. ,&Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., 2rid Ser. II, October, p. 9o. A Catalogue of the Birds of Lower California, Mexico. `(Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc.,, 2nd Ser. II, December, pp. 237-32o. Ornithological Observations during the. Total Solar Eclipse of January, 1889. `(Zoe I, March, pp. 21-24. [Note on Capture of White-throated Sparrow at San Francisco.] `(Zoe I, April, p. 46. [Review of] Recent Literature. Zoology. `(Zoe I, April, p. 6;. Notices of Supposed New Birds. `(Zoe I, July, pp. ;48-;5o. [Review of] Recent Literature. `(Zoe I, October, p. 252. [Remarks concerning Belding's "Land Birds of the Pacific District."] `(Zoe I, November, pp. 277-278. Found Dead on the Beach. `(Zoe I, November, pp. 282-283. An Ornithological Retrospect. `(Zoe I, December, pp. 289-293. Andrew Jackson Grayson. `(Zoe II, April, pp. 34-68. [Review of] Recent Literature. `(Zoe II, April, pp. 86, 87. Notices of Certain Californian Birds. `(Zoe I1, July, p. ;28. The "Reed Birds" of the San Francisco Markets. `(Zoe II, July, pp.

42-;45 .

The Cape Region of Baja California. ,(Zoe II, October, pp. ?85-2ot. A Check-list of the Water Birds of California. ,(Zoe III, July, pp. t35-t4o. Note [on .Verna sabinii, etc.]. ,(Zoe III, July, p. ;65. [.Review of] Recent Literature. `(Zoe III, July, pp. i79-;8o. Second Occurrence of the Fox Sparrow in California. `(Zoe III, Ja?uary, p. 363. Occurrence of Clangula Hyemalis in California. ,(Zoe III, January p. 363 . Notes on Game Laws, etc. `(Zoe III, January, p. 377. Notes on the Food of?Birds I. `(Zoe IV, April, pp. 54-58. A Rookery of Man-o'-war Birds. `(Nidiologist I, September, p. ;. Vaux's Swift at Redwood City. `(Zoe IV, October, p. 224. The Bohemian Waxwing in California. `(Zoe IV, October, p. 226. Eggs of the White-throated Swift. `(Nidiologist II, September, pp. 7-8.