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Sept., I9o 5 [ BIRDS FROM THE WEST COAST OF LOWER CALIFORNIA I37 Hirundo erythrogastra BODD. Barn Swallow. One specimen taken on Clarion Island May 2ist. Lanius lud0vicianus gambeli RIDGW. California Shrike. One seen at Turtle Bay April ?4th. Helminthophila celata lutescens RIDGW. Lutescent Warbler. Several seen on Todos Santos Island March loth. Compsothlypis graysoni (RIDGW.). Grayson Warbler. Abundant on Socorro Island May ?nd. Dendroica testira (GM?;L.). Yellow Warbler. Seen at San Jose del Cabo April 24th, not common. Dendroica auduboni (TowNs.). Audubon Warbler. Several seen on Todos Santos Island March ?oth. Geothlypistrichas occidentalis RREWST. Western Yellowthroat. One seen on Cerros Island April ?st (G. t. arizela OBERH.?). Geothlypis beldingi RIDCW. Belding Yellowthroat. Common about San Jose del Cabo April 24th. Anthus pensilvanicus (Lx?rm). American Pipit. San Martin Island March ?oth and San Jose del Cabo April a2nd, common at both localities. Oroscoptes montanus (Towns.). Sage Thrasher. One seen at San Martin Island March ?2th. l?Iimodes graysoni (BAmt)). Socorro Mocker. Very common on Sototto Island May 2nd. Toxostoma cinereum (XArq?rus). St. l.ucas Thrasher. San Jose del Cabo April 24th, not common. Toxostoma cinereum mearnsi (ANTHONY). Mearns Thrasher. San Juanico Bay June i2th, not common. Toxostoma lecontei arenicolum (ANTHONY). Desert Thrasher. Sau Juanico Bay June ?2th and Playa Maria Bay July 8th, not common. tteleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti t?NTHONY. Bryant Cactus Wren. Turtle Bay. April ?4th, not common. tteleodytes brunneicapillus affinis (X.?rt;s). St. I,ucas t acius Wren. Abun- dant about San Jose del Cab{) April ?2nd, nesting. Salpinctus obsoletus (SAy). Rock Wren. San Martin Island March loth, San Benitos Island March 27th, Cerros Island April ist, San Benedicte Island April 29th, abundant where found. Salpinctes guadalupensis Rm?w. Guadalupe Rock Wren. Common on Gualalupe Island, with large young March 22rid. Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus RIDGW. Dotted Canyon Wren. Several heard singing on Todos Santos Island March loth. Thryomanes bewicki spilurus (ViG.) Vigors Wren. A single specimen taken at San Juanico Bay June I2th. Thryomanes leucophrys (ANTuONV). San Clemente Wren. Cerros Island April ist and July 4th, not common. Thryomanesbrevicaudus RIDGw. Guadalupe Wren. Seen on Guadalupe Island March 22rid; nearly extinct, due to the destruction of the underbrush by the hordes of goats. Troglodytes aedon aztecus BAIRD. Western House Wren. One specimen taken on San Benitos Island March 27th. Troglodytes insularis (BA?V). Socorro Wren. Common on Socorro Island May 2nd.