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?84 THE CONDOR I VOL. VII Hawk, American Sparrow 74 Cooper 25, 74, 78, x44 Desert Sparrow 26, 78, x34 Harris 25 Sharp-shinned 74 St Lucas Sparrow x34 Swainson 25, 78 Western Sharp-shinned 78, Zone-tailed 78 Heleodytes brunneicapillus affinis x37 bryanti x37 cOuesi 5 O, 8I? IOI Hellodora jacula ?57 Helminthophila celata 55, lOT lutescerts 70, T]2, lucim 49, 8? peregrina 2o sordida ? ? 2 Heron, Anthony Green 24 Black-crowned Night 54 Great Blue Ho Northwest Coast ?44 Yellow-crowned Night Ho Heteractitis incanus ? ?o Hitundo erythrogastra T37 Hornaday, W. T., notice of his 'The American Natural History', I45 Hummingbird, Anna T34 Black-chinned 27, 79 Costa 79, ?34 hufous 59 White-cared 79 Xantus ?34 IIunter, 1. S., double nest of Arkansas King- bird, 53; erroneous records corrected, 83 ttylocichla guttata 7 audubon/39 nana 82, IO2, I38 sequoiensis ?39 slevini ?43 IcTr?gI?, virens longicauda 49 Icterus bullocki ?3, 48 cuculatus nelsoni 48, 79, x35 parisorum 79, ?35 Ionoris martinica H2 Ixoreus naevius ?9, 7o, 82 J?G?g, Long-tailed Jay, Arizona 79 Rocky Mountain 39 Xantus ?35 Juneo eanieeps 39 byemalls 76 oreganus 7 pinosus thurberi 76, insularis ?36 oreganus ?74 phmonotus palliatus 8o vulcani ?59 Junco, Arizona 8o Gnadalupe ?36 Sierra 76 Slate-colored 76 Thurber T42 KA. EDING, H. ?., birds from the west coast of Lower California and adjacent islands, Keyes, C. R., some bird notes from the central Sierras, ?3, 42 Killdeer 43, 74 K___ingbird, Arkansas 27, 53, 79, ?34 Cassin 79 Western ?o Kingfisher Belted 75 Kinglet, Ashy ?o2, I39, ?43 Dusky ?38 Sitkan ?43 Kittiwake, Pacific ?o 7 Knot L/?Js borealis 83 ludovicianus excubitorides 49, 8o, T37 gambeli 77, T37 I,ark, Mojave Horned 76 Scorched Horned 79 Sonoran Horned x35 Larus ealifornieus 82, ?o7 franklini 82 glaneeseens ?o7 heermanni To 7 occidentalis ?o7, Leptotila verrcauxi ?54 Leucopternis ghiesbrechti T56 Leucosticte tephrocotis ? I2 Leucosticte, Gray-crowned ? Limosa fedoa Ho Loon, Black-throated 69 Lophornis helenm T57 Lophortyx californicns vallicolus ?3, 74 gainbell 78 Loxia curvirostra minor T74 stricklandi I35 leueoptera ?76 Lunda cirrhata 124 ?[ACRORHAMPHUS griseus scolopaceus 141 Mailliard, J., orange-crowned warbler taken at .San Luis Obispo, Cal., 55; a correction, 82; San Geronimo notes, 82; Calamospiza melano- corysseen in Santa Barbara, ?43; [with J. Grinnell] midwinter birds on the Mojave Desert, 7 I, ?o?; birds drinking, Mallard 74 Mareca americana 74 Marsden, H. W., aerial battle of red-tailed hawks, Buteo borealis calurus, 53 Martin, Purple H3 Western ?o, 49 Meadowlark, Western 76, ?35 Megaseops asio bendfrei T3 cineraeeus 26