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CONTNTS Live Oak Studded with Acorns, the Work of the California Woodpecker .......... .......................................... Photo by Dr..4./d. Fisl?r Frontispiece An Acorn Store-house of the California Woodpecker ............ F/aller A Nest of Empidonax difficilis in New Mexico (with one photo) ............... ................................................... Florence d?lrerriam l?ailey Among the Plathead Birds ................................. :... P. Nesting Sites of the Desert Sparrow (with one photo) .... Florence d?lrerriam l?ailey About Collecting Chests (with one cut) .......................... Frank Stepkens Birds Observed in the Krenitzin Islands, Alaska (with one map) .................. ...................................................... Richard C. d?rcGregor A List of Birds Collected Between Monterey and San Simeon in the Coast Range of California (with one map) ................................ Hubert O. fenkins FROM FIELD AND STUDY Contopus virens in Colorado ............................. Edward R. F/arren ?3o Scott Orioles at San Diego .................................... /dale Slep?ens ?3o Some Items in the Diet of California Shrikes .................. /dale ..Vlepkens x3o The Note of the Golden-crowned Sparrow (wtih two cuts) ........ .4nna Head x3o NOTES AND NEWS ...................................................... I3 x MINUTES OF CLUB MEETINGS ............................................. Entered as sacond-dass matter May 4, x9o6, at the post office at Pasadena, California, under Act of Congress of March 3, x879- Issued from The Office of The Condor, 87I No. Lake A?., Pasadena, Cal. WANTED I?ive Birds and Animals of the West Particularly California Condors, Cin- namon Teal and other Ducks, Mountain Quail, Pacific Eider Ducks, Black Brant, Swan, Etc. Eggs of the above named species desired for hatching. DR. CECIL FRENCH 7x8 Twelfth St., N. W., Washington, D.C. When replying to advertisements SOUTHERN AND MEXICAN BIRDS' EGGS.--In choice cabinet sets with full and accurate data, for sale very cheap or to ex- change. The largest and most valuable collec- tion in the South, and a corps of competent collectors. Sea-shoresets a specialty. Stamp for list. Satisfaction guaranteed. DR. M. T. CI, ECKLE, 457 Greene Street, Augusta, Ga. WANTED--Mammal skins (with preference for the Eutamias group). Can offer in ex- change, mammals, bird skins, and eggs in sets. --W. L. BURNETT, 12? ?r. $kerwood..Vl., Forl Collins, Colo. LARGE COLLECTION of birds' eggs, nests, etc., cost over two hundred dollars, now twen- ty-five dollars ($25.oo).?S. T?LoR, ?erkele.?, Cal. ?lease meution TH]? CONDOR