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CONTENTS . The Grebes of Southern Oregon (with five photos by/-farman 7'. Be/alma,) ...... ....................................... - ....... ........... IVi/liam . Finley 9? Nesting Habits of Phainopepla nitens ................... I-/arriet II/illiams ?q[yers The Thick-billed Parrot in Arizona (with one photo) .......... Austin Paul Smtth Summer Birds of a Prairie Lake ........................... ? ?. ? . ., .... G? Willeli Measuring a Condor .................................... :..?hr. Frend? Gilman w6 English Sparrow Notes (with one photo) ...................... IVilliam ?. Finley w8 FROM FIELD AND STUDY The Vermilion Flycatcher at Santa Barbara .................. Bradford Forray Where Does the Western Boundary Line Run for the Arizon? Quail ? ......... ...................................................... Herbert Brown ?o 9 Notes from Clipperton and Coocos Islands ........................ R. jr/. Beck The Mew Gull in Southern. California ........................... C. B. Linton Maguolia Warbler in Oregon .................................... IV. L. Finley The Horned Grebe in Southern California ..................... C. B. Linton A New Record for Colorado .................................... .4. I-/. Feller He 'l?Iexican Black Hawk in California ............................ C. B. Linton An Interesting Occurrence of the Canyon Wren .......... Edward R. IJ/arren Ill A Bit Too Previous ............ ? ......................... ; .... H. H. Sheldon EDITORIALS ............................................................... COMMUNICATIONS Baird's or Baird ? .......................................... /V. Leon Dawson Nesting Ways ................................................ ]?. B. ?eabody PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ............................................... H4 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB I?EETINGS Northern Division ............................ ? [ .... ?' ...................... Southern Division (with photo) ............................................. Directory of Coopit Club Members to June x, I9o7? .............................. Enteredas. second-class matter May4, x9of, at the post office at [%saderin, California. under Act of Congress of March $, 1879. ISsued from The Office of The Condor, 87! No. Luke Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Camp Agassiz On Fallen Leaf Lalie, in the Lalie Tahoe Ford?t Re?erve, California OPEN JUNE l?t The camp is situated on a beautiful glacier lake in the midst of a region un- rivaled for its picturesque grandeur. Trout Fishing Unexcelled The camp is open to adults as well as boys. The Boy's Camp is under the direction of Walter 1?. Fisher. For booklet and information address w. w. PIklCE, ALTA, PLACER CO.. CAL. The Warblers ot North America By PR&NI? ?r. CHAPMAN With a4 full page colored plates. illusfrating male, female andyoung of all species, aud eight full page plates ol nests and eggs. ?arge 8vo Cloth, $a.9o The Bird, Its Form and Function, by C. William Beebe, with over 370 illustrations :$3 35 Peary's Nearest the Pole ............ The Warbler z9o5 arid ,9o6, ? Vols. complste 4z $o The Warbler 'Book aud Warbler, a ols. 5o ?95'6 ................ : ................... 4 $o Country?ife in America, full year, and the Warbler Book ......................... 5 75 The Warbler Book and Bird Lor?, full year. 3 6o The Warbler B?ok and a New sub?cgiption to the Condor .......................... 3 65 A? SENT PREPAID Prompt quotations on any Book; Mal/cazine , Oolo?.'sts and Taxialarmists Tools. ?gffS m fine sets, lists for the asking. IIENJAMIN HOAG Stephentown. New Yorli When replying to advertisements please mention THE CONDOR