Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 2.djvu/113

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infantry. There was also a battalion of artillery, Maj. E. R. Petherbridge, Battery A, Capt. I. W. Wolcott, with eight three-inch rifle lo-pounders, and Battery B, Capt. A. Snow, with six of the same as Battery A.

Colonel Kenly was promoted brigadier-general on the 22d of August, 1862, "for gallant conduct at the battle of Front Royal." On September 8th he was assigned to command a brigade to consist of the First, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth regiments of Maryland volunteers with Alexander's battery of light artillery. The First regiment, as we have seen, served with distinction in the valley under Banks in 1862. The Second was with Burnside at New Bern, N. C. There they received the following decoration from their commanding general:

"Headquarters Department of North Carolina.

New Bern, May 22, 1862.

Lieut.-Col. Eugene Duryea,

Commanding Second regiment Maryland Volunteers:

Sir:—The commanding general desires me to express his gratification at the skillful and soldierly manner in which your movement on Pollocksville was executed on the 14th and 17th instant, and high appreciation of the fortitude and perseverance with which the obstacles presented by the elements were borne and overcome by yourself and your command.

I have the honor to be, colonel,

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lewis Richmond, A. A. G."

The move on Pollocksville consisted of a march of sixty miles in seventy- two hours in the face of an active enemy, through deep mud and in a drenching rain, maintaining their position for two days against heavy odds, repelling repeated assaults and performing their work effectually, and then safely returning to the army notwithstanding a vigorous pursuit!

The Second Maryland returned with Burnside to Virginia, where it joined Pope and did good service at Second Manassas. Maryland is not entitled to merit for this gallant command. Its colonel, Duryea, was not con-