Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 2.djvu/239

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joined Wise at this time were about 300 from Boone and Logan counties, who mainly entered the Third regiment, Wise legion, later known as the Sixtieth regiment, and commanded by Col. B. H. Jones.

Cox held Gauley, and began fortifications, with an advance guard skirmishing toward Sewell mountain, and a regiment guarding his river communications; while Rosecrans, now the Federal commander of the department, fortified the Cheat mountain pass before Huttonsville, and the mountain pass between Huttonsville and Huntersville. These were advanced posts. His main line was marked by a chain of posts, with a regiment or two at each, at Bulltown, Suttonville and Summersville, between Weston and Gauley.

While the events we have described were taking place, an army was forming at Monterey for the purpose of retrieving the Confederate disasters. Previous to Garnett's defeat there had been assembled near Staunton 5,000 or 6,000 troops for his reinforcement, under the command of Gen. Henry R. Jackson, of Georgia. It will be remembered that the Forty-fourth Virginia was at Monterey during the battle of Rich Mountain. It took a position directed by General Garnett, which happened to be one where no service could be rendered. Col. Edward Johnson's Twelfth Georgia, following, made a forced march to occupy Cheat mountain, but met Colonel Scott returning, was advised of Garnett 's retreat and fell back to Jackson's main body. The entire command then retired to Monterey, where, with about 3,500 men, Jackson prepared to combat the expected advance of McClellan by Huntersville and Warm Springs to cut the railroad near Staunton. This, however, was not attempted by the Federals. It was deemed too dangerous an enterprise, and McClellan being transferred to Washington, took with him many of his troops, leaving adequate garrisons at the posts established.

On July 20th Brig.-Gen. William W. Loring, a veteran