Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/158

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ville; Lieuts. John Fowler and W. L. Branyon were killed at Gettysburg.


Vol. VII—(137) Alabama battalion, Major Garvin, a detachment of the Twenty-sixth regiment, mentioned among the troops at Fort Henry, February 12, 1862, by General Tilghman. (148-150) Mentioned in Colonel Heiman's report of fall of Fort Henry and surrender of Fort Donelson. (358-364) Report of Gen. Bushrod Johnson of capture of Fort Donelson, mentions two companies of Twenty-sixth Alabama in Colonel Drake's brigade, among the troops surrendered February 16th.

Vol. XI, Part 2—(484) In Rodes brigade, Hill's division, Stonewall Jackson's corps, during the engagements around Richmond. (505) Medical director reports 18 killed and 109 wounded, June 26 to July 1, 1862. (625) General Hill's report of battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27th, says that the Fifth and Twenty-sixth captured a battery in their front. He also quotes from General Rodes' report. (630-633) General Rodes' report of same battle says: "The Fifth and Twenty-sixth Alabama were especially distinguished for their great courage; no troops ever acted better;" also says: "The Fifth and Twenty-sixth always in the lead, under its brave Colonel O'Neal." Gives in list of casualties, 4 killed, 28 wounded, at Gaines' Mill; 13 killed, 73 wounded, at Malvern Hill. (634, 635) General Gordon's report of battle of Malvern Hill calls especial attention to the conduct of Col. E. A. O'Neal; gives casualties, 10 killed, 76 wounded. (638) Mentioned in Col. B. B. Gayle's report of Gaines' Mill.

Vol. XI, Part 3—(393) The Twenty-sixth Alabama, Colonel Smith, ordered to report to General Magruder at Yorktown, March 24, 1862. (404) Magruder informed that Twenty-sixth Alabama, unarmed, will join him at Yorktown and be armed by him. (427) General Wilcox informed that the Twenty-sixth Alabama, Colonel O'Neal, will be sent to reinforce Yorktown, April 7th. (482) Two hundred and eighty-three strong within post at Yorktown, April 30th. (533) In Rains' brigade, Johnston's command, May 21st: (650) In Rodes' brigade, Stonewall Jackson's command, July 23d.

Vol. XIX, Part 1—(808) In Rodes' brigade, Jackson's