Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/168

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and on its left flank. At this critical moment, when humanity itself almost prompted a retreat, Gen. Bushrod Johnson's brigade moved upon the right of our brigade, and with the troops on our right, at sunset, we made one last desperate assault and drove them, routed, demoralized, from the field. The colonel commanding takes pride and gratification in returning his thanks both to the officers and men of his command for the promptness and alacrity with which they obeyed all his commands. Men never fought more gallantly than did my command. I cannot find words adequate to express the weight of obligation I am under to them for their heroic conduct." He also desires to return his thanks to the medical department for the zeal and faithfulness with which they labored to relieve the pain and distress of the wounded. He expresses his thanks to the ordnance for the promptness with which they discharged their duty; also to Capt. Carlos Reese and Sergt. William Craig, of the commissary department. "The memory of Lieut. C. S. Jordan and his brave comrades who fell on the field nobly battling for the rights of freemen shall ever be cherished with the kindest remembrance by their commander. Men who sacrifice life and all they hold dear on earth in such a cause can never be forgotten, and deserve to live forever." (351-354) Report of Maj. John N. Slaughter. (534) Roll of honor, battle of Chickamauga: Privates George Aubrey, Company A; J. R. Gaither, B; First Sergt. W. H. Logan, C; Privates C. D. Goolsby, D; R. F. Sumner, E; Corp. David Knox, F; First Sergt. W. J. Wilson, G; Privates Hosea Vines, H; L. P. Wright, I; Sergt. James R. Smith, K; Private Jacob Smith, L.

No. 55—(659) Assignment as above, November 20, 1863.

No. 56—(617) Assignment as above, October 31, 1863. (805) Manigault's brigade, Breckinridge's corps, army of Tennessee, December 10th. (825, 886) Total present, 276, in December.

No. 58—(589) Manigault's brigade, Hindman's division, army of Tennessee, commanded by Gen. J. E. Johnston, January 20, 1864. Regiment commanded by Capt. Hugh G. Lollar.

No. 74—(640, 649, 656, 663, 671) Manigault's brigade, Hindman's division, Hood's corps, Lieut.-Col. William L. Butler commanding regiment, April to August, 1864.