Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/396

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CONFEDERATE MILITARY HISTORY. 8T7 Hickory Hill, S. C, Feb. i. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; toUU loss i9.~Ped- eral, total loss 4a Alabama troops, parts of the xst, 3d, sxst Cav., and 3d, 10th Conf. Cav. Loper's Cross Rds., S. C, Feb. a. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 48. — Federal, total loss 120. Alabama troops, parts of the 1st, 3d, 51st Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Lawtonville Rd., S. C, Feb. a. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 17.— Federal, total loss 50. Alabama troops, ports of the ist, 3d, sxst Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Lawtonville, S. C, Feb. a. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss aa— Fed- eral, total loss 8a Alabama troops, ports of the ist, 3d, 51st Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Whippy Swamp, S. C, Feb. a. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss la— Federal, total loss 5a Alabama troops, parts of the ist, 3d, 51st Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Hayward's, a C, Feb. 3. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 9.— Fed- eral, total loss 28. Alabama troops, ports of the ist, 3d, sxst Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Dock Cr. Rd., S. C, Feb. 3. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 17.— Federal, total loss 8a Alabama troops, ports of the 1st, 3d, 51st Cav., and 3d, lothConf. Cav. Rivers' and Braxton's Bridges, S. C, Feb. 3. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 45. — Federal, total loss 148. Alabama troops, parts of the xst, 3d, 51st Cav., and 3d, xoth Conf. Cav. Spnngtown, S. C, Feb. 6. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 14.— Fed- eral, total loss 5a Alabama troops, parts of the xst, 3d, sxst Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Salkahatchie Rd., S. C, Feb. 6. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss is.— Federal, total loss 7a Alabaima troops, ports of the xst, 3d, 51st Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Graham's Turnout, S. C, Feb. 6. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 4. — Federal, total loss 38. Alabama troops, parts of the ist, 3d, sist Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Blackwetl's, S. C, Feb. 7. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 19.— Fed- eral, total loss so. Alabama troops, ports of the ist, 3d, sist Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav. Binnaker's Bridge Rd., a C, Feb. 9. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss II. — Federal, total loss 5a Alabama troops, parts of the ist, 3d, sist Cav., and 3d, loth Conf. Cav,