such use or disposal thereof as shall be approved by the President of the United States.
Sec. 14. In every case of the violation of any of the provisions of this act or of any rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto where a specific penalty is not herein provided, such violator or violators, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
Sec. 15. If any of the provisions of this act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the re¬ mainder of the act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
Sec. 16. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated from time to time, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the provisions and accomplish the purposes of this act.
Sec. 17. The Joint resolution (Public Res. No 67, 74th Cong.) approved August 31, 1935, as amended and extended by the Joint resolution (Public Res. No. 74, 74th Cong.) approved February 29, 1936, Is hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not affect the validity of any proclamation, rule, regulation, certificate of registration, or license, issued pursuant to that resolution.
Amend the title so as to read: "Joint resolution to maintain the neutrality of the United States in the event of war between or among foreign nations, and for other purposes.”
The question was taken; and on a division (demanded by Mr. Boileau) there were—ayes 196, noes 41.
Mr. BOILEAU. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were refused.
So the amendment was agreed to.
The SPEAKER. The question is on the third reading of the joint resolution.
The joint resolution was ordered to be read a third time, and was read the third time.
The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the joint resolution.
Mr. FISH. Mr. Speaker, I offer a motion to recommit.
The SPEAKER. Is the gentleman opposed to the bill?
Mr. FISH. I am, Mr. Speaker; in its present form.
The Clerk read as follows:
Mr. Fish moves to recommit the resolution to the Committee on Foreign Affairs with instructions to the committee to report the same back forthwith with the following amendment: On page 20, after line 17, add a new paragraph, to be known as paragraph (f), to read as follows:
"It shall be unlawful to export or attempt to export or cause to be exported arms, ammunition, or implements of war from any place in the United States in time of peace, as well as in time of war."
The SPEAKER. The question Is on the motion to recommit.
Mr. FISH. Mr. Speaker, I ask for the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. The question was taken; and there were—yeas 118, nays 275, not voting 39, as follows:
[Roll No. 33]
Allen. Dl. | Dunn | Knutson | Rees, Kans. |
Amlle | Elcher | Kopplemann | Rich |
Anderson, Mo. | Engel | Kvale | Robsion, Ky. |
Andresen, Minn. | Englebright | Lambertson | Rogers, Mass. |
Arends | Fish | Leavy | Rutherford |
Bates | Fleger | Lemke | Sauthoff |
Bernard | Fletcher | Lord | Schneider, Wls. |
Bigelow | Focht | Luckey, Nebr. | Scott |
Binderup | Fries, Ill. | Ludlow | Secrest |
Boileau | Garrett | McSweeney | Shafer, Mich. |
Buckler, Minn. | Oehrmann | Magnuson | Smith. Maine |
Burdick | Gifford | Mapes | Smith, Wash. |
Cannon, Wls. | Gilchrist | Martin, Mass. | Snell |
Carlson | Gray, Ind. | Mason | South |
Carter | Griswold | Maverick | Stefan |
Case, S. Dak. | Guyer | Michener | Taylor, Tenn. |
Clason | Gwynne | Mott | Teigan |
Cluett | Hendricks | Murdock, Ariz. | Thom |
Coffee, Wash. | Hlldebrandt | O’Connell, Mont. | Tobey |
Connery | Hill, Wash. | ODay | Towey |
Crawford | Hoffman | O’Malley | Transue |
Crosser | Honeyman | O’Neill, N.J. | Treadway |
Crowther | Hope | Oliver | Voorhls |
Culkln | Hull | Pace | Wene |
Dirksen | Jarrett | Patterson | Withrow |
Disney | Jenkins, Ohio | Pierce. | Wolcott |
Ditter | Johnson, Minn. | Polk | Wolfenden |
Dondero | Kenney | Rankin | Woodruff |
Douglas | Kinzer | Reed, HI. | |
Dowell | Knlffin | Reed. N. Y. |
Aleshire | Driver | Kloeb | Rabaut |
Allen, La. | Eaton | Koclalkowski | Ramsay |
Allen, Pa. | Eckert | Kramer | R&mspeck |
Andrews | Edmlston | Lambeth | Rardolph |
Arnold | Ellenbogen | Lanham | Rayburn |
Ashbrook | Evans | Lanzetta | Recce. Tenn. |
Atkinson | Faddls | Larrabec | Reilly |
Bacon | Farley | Lea | Richards |
Barden | Ferguson | Lewis, Colo. | Rigney |
Barry | Fernandez | Long | Robertson |
Beam | Fitzgerald | Lucas | Robinson. Utah |
Belter | Fitzpatrick | Luce | Rogers. Okla. |
Bell | Flannagan | Luecke, Mich. | Romjue |
Blermann | Flannery | McAndrews | Sadowskl |
Bland | Forand | McClellan | Sanders |
Bloom | Ford, Calif. | McFarlane | Schaefer, HL |
Boehne | Ford, Miss. | McGranery | Schuctz |
Boyer | Frey, Pa. | McGrath | Schulte |
Boykin | Fuller | McKcough | Seger |
Boylan, N. Y. | Fulmer | McLaughlin | Sh&nley |
Bradley | Gambrill | McLean | Shannon |
Brooks | Gavagan | McMillan | Sheppard |
Brown | Gearhart | McReynolds | Slrovlch |
Buck | Glldea | Mass | Smith, Conn. |
Buiwinkle | Gingery | Mahon, Tex. | Smith, W. Va. |
Burch | Goldsborough | Mamney | Snyder. Pa. |
Byrne | Gray, Pa. | Mansfield | Somers, N. Y. |
Caldwell | Green | Martin, Colo. | Sparkman |
Cannon, Mo. | Greenwood | Masslngale | Spence |
Cartwright | Greever | May | Stack |
Casey, Mass. | Gregory | Mead | Starnes |
Celler | Griffith | Meeks | Steagall |
Champion | Haines | Merritt | Sullivan |
Chandler | Halleck | Millard | Sumners, Tex. |
Chapman | Hamilton | Miller | Sutphln |
Church | Hancock, N. Y. | Mills | Sweeney |
Citron | Hancock, N. C. | Mitchell. HI. | Swope |
Clark, Idaho | Harlan | Mitchell, Tenn. | Tarver |
Clark, N. C. | Harrington | Moser, Pa. | Taylor. S. C. |
Claypool | Hart | Mosler, Ohio | Terry |
Cochran | Harter | Mouton | Thomas, N. J. |
Coffee, Nebr. | Hartley | Murdock, Utah | Thomas, Tex. |
Colden | Havwnner | Nelson | Thomason, Tex. |
Cole, Md. | Hennings | Nichols | Thompson, HI. |
Collins | Higgins | Norton | Tinkham |
Colmer | Hill, Ala. | O’Brien, ni. | Tolan |
Cooley | Hill, Okla. | O'Connell, R. I. | Turner |
Cooper | Hobbs | O’Connor, Mont. | Umstead |
Costello | Holmes | O'Connor, N. Y. | Vincent, B. M. |
Cox | Hook | O'Leary | Vinson, Ga. |
Cravens | Houston | O’Neal. Ky. | Vinson, F. M. |
Creal | Hunter | O’Toole | Wadsworth |
Crosby | Imhoff | Owen | Wallgren |
Crowe | Izac | Palmisano | Walter |
Cullen | Jacobsen | Parsons | Warren |
Cummings | Jenckes, Ind. | Patman | Wearin |
Daly | Johnson, Okla. | Patrick | Weaver |
Deen | Johnson, Tex. | Patton | Welch |
Delaney | Johnson, W. Va. | Pearson | West |
Dempsey | Jones | Peterson, Fla. | Whelchel |
DeMuth | Kee | Peterson, Ga. | White. Idaho |
DeRouen | Kelly, Ill. | Pettcngill | Whittington |
Dickstein | Kennedy, Md. | Peyser | Wigglesworth |
Dies | Kennedy, N. Y. | Pfeifer | Williams |
Dingell | Keogh | Phillips | Wolverton |
Dockweiler | Kerr | Plumley | Woodrum |
Dorsey | Klrwan | Poage | Zimmerman |
Doughton | Kitchens | Powers | The Speaker |
Drewry, Va. | Kleberg | Quinn |
Allen, Del. | Duncan | Lesinski | Scrugham |
Boland, Pa. | Eberharter | Lewis. Md. | Short |
Boren | Gasque | McCormack | Smith, Va. |
Brewster | Goodwin | McGehee | Taber |
Buckley, N. Y. | Healey | McGroarty | Taylor, Colo. |
Cole, N. Y. | Jarman | Mahon, S. C. | Thurston |
Curley | Jenks. N. H. | O’Brien, Mich. | White, Ohio |
Dixon | Keller | Ryan | Wilcox |
Doxey | Kelly. N. Y. | Sabath | Wood ’ |
Drew, Pa. | Lamneck | Sacks |
The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call my name.
The Clerk called the name of Mr. Bankhead, and he answered "nay.”
So the motion to recommit was rejected.
The Clerk announced the following pairs:
On the vote:
Mr. Short (for) with Mr. O’Brien of Michigan (against).
Mr. Cole of New York (for) with Mr. Duncan (against).
Mr. Brewster (for) with Mr. Lamneck (against).
General pairs until further notice:
Mr. Taylor of Colorado with Mr. Taber.
Mr. McCormack with Mr. Jenks of New Hampshire.
Mr. Smith of Virginia with Mr. White of Ohio.
Mr. Lewis of Maryland with Mr. Goodwin.
Mr. Wilcox with Mr. Scrugham.
Mr. Boland with Mr Healey.
Mr. Doxey with Mr. Keller.
Mr. Gasque with Mr. Leslnskl.
Mr. Sabath with Mr. Ryan.