Page:Congressional Record Volume 81 Part 3.djvu/39

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Congressional Record—House

Mr. SMITH of Washington: Committee on Claims. H. R. 1281. A bill for the relief of Irene Wright, mother and guardian of Harold Wright, a minor; with amendment (Rept. No. 402). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. SMITH of Washington: Committee on Claims. H. R. 1304. A bill for the relief of John E. Sandage; without amendment (Rept. No. 403). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. COFFEE of Washington: Committee on Claims. H. R. 1689. A bill for the relief of Dominga Pardo; with amendment (Rept. No. 404). Referred td the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. SMITH of Washington: Committee on Claims. H. R. 1759. A bill for the relief of Minnie D. Hines; with amendment (Rept. No. 405). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H.R. 2218. A bill for the relief of Helen Marie Lewis; without amendment (Rept. No. 406). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims, H.R. 2494. A bill for the relief of J. E. Midyette; with amendment (Rept. No. 407). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H.R. 2630. A bill for the relief of R. N. Teague and Minnie Teague; with amendment (Rept. No. 408). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. DREW: Committee on Claims. H. R. 2935. A bill for the relief of Montrose Grimstead; with amendment (Rept. No. 409). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. ATKINSON: Committee on Claims. H. R. 2985. A bill for the relief of Edmond G. Warren; with amendment (Rept. No. 410). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. JACOBSEN: Committee on Claims. H. R. 3276. A bill for the relief of the Delaware Bay Shipbuilding Co.; with amendment (Rept. No. 411). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. DREW: Committee on Claims. H. R. 3426. A bill for the relief of Rose McGirr; without amendment (Rept. No. 412). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Mr. COFFEE of Washington: Committee on Claims. H. R. 3557. A bill for the relief of the Coast Fir & Cedar Products Co., Inc., with amendment (Rept. No. 413.) Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 3583. A bill for the relief of Martin J. Blazevich; with amendment (Rept. No. 414). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. CARLSON: Committee on Claims. H. R. 3654. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Lawrence Chlebeck; with amendment (Rept. No. 415). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey: Committee on Claims. H. R. 3841. A bill for the relief of Col. J. P. Barney; with amendment (Rept. No. 416). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. SOUTH: Committee on Claims. H. R. 3924. A bill for the relief of Harry W. Sturrup; with amendment (Rept. No. 417). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 4591. A bill for the relief of Sallie Gillespie; with amendment (Rept. No. 418). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 4679. A bill for the relief of John L. Summers, former disbursing clerk, Treasury Department; and Frank White, G. F. Allen, H. T. Tate, and W. O. Woods, former Treasurers of the United States; without amendment (Rept. No. 419). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 4681. A bill for the relief of Edward C. Paxton; without amendment (Rept. No. 420). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 4762. A bill for the relief of Edward Y. Garcia and Aurelia Garcia; with amendment (Rept. No. 421). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 4770. A bill for the relief of Elmer Geske; with amendment (Rept. No. 422). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 5104. A bill for the relief of the Acme Wire & Iron Works; with amendment (Rept. No. 423). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. McGEHEE: Committee on Claims. H. R. 5112. A bill for the relief of Frank Lee Borney; with amendment (Rept. No. 424). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. SMITH of Washington: Committee on Claims. H. R. 5146. A bill for the relief of Sarah E. Palmer; without amendment (Rept. No. 425). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 5206. A bill for the relief of Jacob G. Ackerman; without amendment (Rept. No. 426). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 5304. A bill for the relief of the Polygraphic Co. of America; without amendment (Rept. No. 427). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland: Committee on Claims. H. R. 5354. A bill for the relief of Charles Somogi, Jr.; without amendment (Rept. No. 428). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.

Mr. SEGER: Committee on Claims. H. R. 5456. A bill for the relief of Harold Scott and Ellis Marks; without amendment (Rept. No. 429). Referred to the Committee of the Whole House.


Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred as follows:

By Mr. CELLER: A bill (H. R. 5752) to repeal the special tax on retail dealers in oleomargarine, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture.

By Mr. CASE of South Dakota: A bill (H. R. 5753) to authorize payment of the amounts due on delinquent homestead entries on certain Indian reservations; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. By Mr. OLIVER: A bill (H. R. 5754) relative to the issuance of part of the coins authorized by the act entitled “An act to authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of York County, Maine”, approved June 26, 1936; to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. By Mr. RAMSAY: A bill (H. R. 5755) relating to the Federal Employers’ Liability Act, the taking of depositions, admissibility and perpetuation of testimony, cross-examination of interested witnesses, and trial procedure with reference thereto, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. ROMJUE: A bill (H. R. 5756) authorizing a preliminary examination and survey of the Wyaconda River in Clark and Lewis Counties, Mo., with a view to the controlling of floods; to the Committee on Flood Control. By Mr. COCHRAN: A bill (H. R. 5757) to simplify accounting; to the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments.

By Mr. DRIVER: A bill (H. R. 5758) to authorize the creation of a permanent revolving fund for loans to levee, drainage, irrigation, and reclamation districts, mutual non-profit companies, and incorporated water-users’ associations; to the Committee on Banking and Currency.

By Mr. HILL of Oklahoma: A bill (H. R. 5759) granting the consent of Congress to the several States to levy corporation license, franchise, or other similar taxes or fees measured by the value of capital or capital stock employed or