Page:Conquest of France by King Henry Vth.pdf/3

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O then returned this lovely Page,
this lovely Page then returned he.
And when he came to our gracious King,
he fell low down on his bended knee.

What news? what news? my trusty Page.
what is the news you’ve brought to me (illegible text)
I’ve brought such news from the King in France,
that he and you will ne'er agree.

He says, You’re of young and tender years,
not fit to come to his degree,
And he will send you three TENNIS-BALLS,
that with them you may learn to play.

Recruit me Cheshire and Lancashire,
and Derby Hills that are so free:
No marry’d man, nor widow’s son:
for no widow's curse shall go with me.

They recruited Cheshire and Lancashire,
and Derby Hills that are so free:
No marry’d man, nor widow's son:
yet there was a jovial bold company.

O then he march’d into the French land,
with drums and trumpets so merrily,
And then bespoke the King in France,
(illegible text)o, Yonder comes proud King Henry

The first shot that the Frenchmen gave,
they kill’d our Englishmen so free;
We kill’d ten thousand of the French,
aud the rest of them they run away.