Page:Constitution Granted by His Majesty Kamehameha III. (1852).pdf/11

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the Nobles, and the Representatives of the people. And whenever the public exigencies require that the property of any individual should be appropriated to public uses, he shall receive a reasonable compensation therefor.

Art. 16. No subsidy, impost, duties or tax of any description, shall be established or levied, nor any money drawn from the public treasury under any pretext whatsoever, without the consent of both branches of the legislature; provided that the Legislature shall make provision, in the annual bills of appropriation, for the emergency of war, invasion, or rebellion; and the Minister of Finance shall render a detailed account to the Legislature of any expenditure made under that provision.

Art. 17. All retrospective laws are unjust; therefore, no such laws shall ever be passed.

Art. 18. The Military shall always be subject to the laws of the land; and no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by the Legislature.

Art. 19. All elections by the people shall be by ballot.

Art. 20. Every elector shall be privileged from arrest on election days, during his attendance at election, and in going to and returning therefrom, except in cases of treason, felony, or breach of the peace.

Art. 21. No elector shall be so obliged to perform military duty, on the day of election, as to prevent his voting, except in time of war or public danger.

Form of Government.

Art. 22. The Government of the Kingdom, is that of Constitutional Monarchy, under His Majesty Kamehameha III, His Heirs, and successors.

Of Powers.

Art. 23. The Supreme Power of the Kingdom, in its exercise, is divided into the Executive, Legislative and Judicial; these are to be preserved distinct; the two last powers cannot be united in any one individual or body.

Of the Executive Power.
Section 1. The King. His Prerogatives.

Art. 24. The King shall continue to be the Supreme Executive Magistrate of this Kingdom under the title of His Majesty.

Art. 25 The crown is hereby permanently confirmed to His Majesty Kamehameha III. during his life, and to his successors. The successor shall be the person whom the King and the House of Nobles shall appoint and publicly proclaim as such, during the King’s