Page:Constitution Granted by His Majesty Kamehameha III. (1852).pdf/13

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His Ministers are responsible; to the King belongs the Executive power; all laws that have passed both Houses of the Legislature, for their validity, shall be signed by His Majesty and the Kuhina Nui; all his other official acts shall be approved by the Privy Council, countersigned by the Kuhina Nui, and by the Minister to whose Department such act may belong.

Art. 36. The King is Sovereign of all the Chiefs and of all the People; the Kingdom is His.

Art. 37. All titles of honor, orders, and other distinctions emanate from the King.

Art. 38. The King coins money and regulates the currency by law.

Art. 39. The King, by and with the approval of His Cabinet and Privy Council, in a case of invasion or rebellion, can place the whole Kingdom, or any part of it under martial law; and he can even alienate it, if indispensable to free it from the insult and oppression of any foreign power.

Art. 40. The King’s Standard and the National Ensign are maintained as now established.

Art. 41. The King’s private lands and other property are inviolable.

Art. 42. The King cannot be sued or held to account in any court or tribunal of the Realm.

Section II.
Of the Kuhina Nui.

Art. 43. The King appoints some chief of rank and ability to be his Kuhina Nui, who shall be styled the Kuhina Nui of the Hawaiian Islands, and whose title shall be Highness.

Art. 44. The Kuhina Nui shall be the King’s special Counsellor in the great affairs of the Kingdom. All business connected with the special interests of the Kingdom, which the King wishes to transact, shall be done by the Kuhina Nui under the authority of the King. All Acts, Royal Patents, Commissions, and other official documents, duly executed by the Kuhina Nui in the name and by the consent of the King, agreeably with article 35, unless specially excepted by law, shall be equally binding as if executed by the King himself.

Art. 45. All important business of the Kingdom which the King chooses to transact in person, he may do, but not without the approbation of the Kuhina Nui. The King and Kuhina Nui shall have a negative on each others public acts.

Art. 46. The Kuhina Nui shall have charge of the Great Seal of the Kingdom, of the Royal Standard, and of the National Flag; and in the absence of the King, he shall preside over the deliberations of the Privy Council.