Page:Constitution and laws of the One Big Union (1919) microfiche scan.djvu/9

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Official Membership Receipt

Clause 27. Each organization affiliated with the O. B. U. must use the official membership receipt unless exempt by the General Executive Board.

Clause 28. The General Executive Board shall issue official membership receipt books in triplicate to the Central Labor Councils and District Boards who shall distribute to their affiliated organizations; the original receipt shall be placed in the member's folder; and all the duplicate receipts shall be sent to the secretary of the Central Labor Council or District Board together with a monthly remittance of per capita tax; the triplicate receipts shall remain in the possession of the local organization.

Central Labor Councils

Clause 29. The following is recommended as a basis for representation of affiliated organizations to the Central Labor Councils: One delegate for the first 50 members, or less, and one additional delegate for each succeeding 100 members or major fraction thereof.

Clause 30. No delegate shall be seated in a Central Labor Council who is not a bona fide wage earner and a paid-up member of the O. B. U.

Clause 31. In small towns and in isolated places where few workers are employed, they shall organize into one unit, including all branches. Members of these branches shall be controlled by central organizations of the industry to which they belong.

Clause 32. All funds maintained by local units shall be the property of the members composing said local units.

Disputes and Strikes

Clause 33. Whenever any dispute exists which the local unit affected cannot settle through its Grievance Committee, the dispute shall be referred in writing to their Central Labor Council or Disrict Board.

Clause 34. A Central Labor Council or District Board to whom a dispute has been referred shall, through their Grievance Committee, endeavor to effect a settlement; failing a settlement, the Central Labor Council or District Board, if they consider the dispute is of sufficient importance to the workers, shall refer the same in writing to the General Executive Board.

Clause 35. If any Central Labor Council or District Board refuses to refer such dispute to the General Executive Board, the local unit affected shall have the right to refer the dispute to the General Executive Board.

Clause 36. Should the General Executive Board consider a dispute of sufficient importance, they shall refer same in writing to the Central Labor Councils and District Boards. Should a majority of the Central Labor Councils and District Boards vote in favor, the General Executive Board shall be empowered to call a strike of all affiliated bodies.

Clause 37. Nothing in the previous clauses shall prevent any Central Labor Council or District Board from calling a strike in their own district or industry, provided, however, that any Council or Board, calling a strike without the consent of the General Executive Board, does so on its own responsibility.

Clause 38. Whenever a strike in any district or industry takes place, no member of the One Big Union shall handle directly or indirectly any products of the industry on strike.

Further information may be obtained from
Secretary V. R. Midgley, P. O. Drawer 879, Vancouver, B. C.