Page:Constitution of Rhodesia, 1965.pdf/72

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102. (1) There shall be a Board of Trustees which shall be a Establish- body corporate with perpetual succession and power to sue and be ment of the sued in its corporate name and, subject to the provisions of this Trustees and Chapter, to do all such acts and things as corporate bodies may vesting of Tribal lawfully do. Trust Land therein. (2) All Tribal Trust Land is hereby vested in the Board of Trustees for the sole and exclusive use and cocupation of inbesmen subject to any previously acquired rights subsisting on the appointed day, and the Board of Trustees shall not be entitled to dispose of any such land or any right or interest therein save in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter: Provided that, subject to any previously acquired rights subsisting on the appointed day under the mining laws of Rho- desia, the dominium in and the right of searching and mining for and disposing of all minerals, mineral oils and natural gases shall vest in the Officer Administering the Government, (3) The Officer Administering the Government shall as soon as may be after the appointed day, by notice in the Gazetre, pub- lish a description of the land vested in the Board, and may from time to time thereafter in like manner amend such description for the purpose of - (a) more clearly describing such land; or (b) correcting any error in such description; or (c) changing the name or other designation of any such land, OI (d) correctly reflecting any alteration in the area of the Tribal Trust Land in pursuance of any of the provi- sions of this Chapter; and may in like manner rcpublish a description of such land with any such amendments. ... of Trustees. 193. (1) The Board of Trustees shall consist of a Chairman, Composition who shall be the person for the time being holding the office of cedure of Chief Justice of the High Court, and five other nembers of the Board whon- (a) one shall be a Chicf appointed by the Council of Chiefs, (b) one shall be the person for the (ime being holding the office of Chairman of the Natural Resources Board of Rhodesia, or, if that body ceases to exist and is not