Page:Constitution of Rhodesia, 1965.pdf/98

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Rhodesia Proclamation No. 53 of 1965 THAT the Government of Rhodesia have for a long period patiently and in good faith negotiated with the Government of the United Kingdom for the removal of the remaining limitations placed upon them and for the grant of sovereign independence; THAT in the belief that procrastination and delay strike at and injure the very life of the nation, the Government of Rhodesia consider it essential that Rhodesia should attain, without delay, sovereign independence, the justice of which is beyond question; NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE GOVERNMENT OF RHODESIA, in humble submission to Almighty God who controls the destinies of nations, conscious that the people of Rhodesia have always shown unswerviog loyalty and devotion to Her Majesty the Queen and earnestly praying that we and the people of Rhodesia will not be hindered in our determination to continue exercising our undoubted right to demonstrate the same loyalty and devotion, and seeking to promote the common good so that the dignity and freedom of all men may be assured, DO, BY THIS PROCLAMATION, adopt, enact and give to the people of Rhodesia the Constitution annexed hereto. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. GIVEN UNDER OUR HAND AT SALISBURY, THIS ELEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY- FTVE. Prime Minister I. DOUGLAS SMITH Deputy Prime Minister CLIFFORD W. DUPONT Ministers B. H. MUSSETT G. W. RUDLAND WILLIAM J. HARPER J. H. HOWMAN D. LARDNER BURKE IAN MCLEAN A. P, SMITH P. VAN HEERDEN MONTROSE J. J. WRATHALL Supplement to the Rhodesia Government Gazette Extraordinary dated 1 lih November, 1965. Printed by the Government Printer, Salisbury.

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