Page:Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria.djvu/1

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Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria
in the version announced on
15 December 1998

Last update 01 January 2014

In the face of the scene of devastation into which the survivors of the 2nd World War were led by a godless state and social order which lacked any conscience and respect for human dignity, with the firm ?intention of permanently securing for the future generations the blessings of peace, humanity and justice and mindful of its history of more than a thousand years, the Bavarian people herewith bestows upon itself the following

Democratic Constitution

First Part
The structure and the tasks of the state

Section 1
The foundations of the Bavarian State

Art. 1

(1) Bavaria is a free state

(2) The state colours are white and blue

(3) The coat of arms shall be determined by law

Art. 2

(1) 1 Bavaria is a people’s state 2 The state authority shall emanate from the people

(2) 1 The people shall express their will through elections and votes 2 Majority votes shall be decisive


Art. 3

(1) 1 Bavaria is a cultural and social state governed by the rule of law 2 It shall serve the public good

(2) 1 The state shall protect the natural basis of life and cultural traditions 2 It shall further and secure equal living and working conditions in all urban and rural areas throughout Bavaria

Paragraph 2 sentence 1 has been incorporated by the act dated 20 June 1984 (GVBI page 223), sentence 2 has been incorporated by the act dated 11 November 2013 (GVBI page 638)

In accordance with the legal practice of the Bavarian Constitutional Court, the constitutional provision shall neither grant any basic rights nor personal (subjective)
