Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam.djvu/1

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Dated 10 December 2475
Royal Gazette
Volume 49, Page 529

Seal of the Royal Command
Seal of the Royal Command

Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam[1]

[2]Let good happen![3] The time of the divine Buddhist religion has become the past for 2475 years! At the present moment, it is, in the lunar fashion, the 13th day of the waxing moon, the month of the Deer Head,[4] the year of the Ape,[5] or, under the solar calendar, the day of Śani,[6] the 10th solar day of the month of the Coming of the Bow.[7] The time has thus been determined![8]

  1. The Secretariat of the House (1932a, pp. 13–14; 1932b, p. 270): The constitution was drafted by a subcommittee of the House consisting of Luang Praditmanutham, Luang Sinatyotharak, Phraya Manawaratchasewi, Phraya Manopakonnitithada, Phraya Nitisatphaisan, Phraya Pridanaruebet, Phraya Siwisanwacha, Phraya Ratchawangsan, and Phraya Thepwithun.
  2. The Secretariat of the House (1932d, p. 587): This constitution originally had no preamble. This preamble was actually an announcement read at the ceremony of signing the constitution on 10 December 1932. The announcement was written by Phra Saraprasoet.
  3. The preamble opens with the traditional exclamation supphamatsadu (Thai: ศุภมัสดุ), which the Royal Society of Thailand (2013) defines as "'let there be goodness', used in the beginning or ending of a formal announcement or important text, such as a royal announcement". Etymologically, it is from Sanskrit śubhamastu.
  4. The first month of the Thai lunar calendar, named after the Hindu month of Mṛgaśīrṣa.
  5. The zodiac sign of Monkey.
  6. Saturday, named after the Hindu god Śani.
  7. December, known in Thai as Thanwakhom (Thai: ธันวาคม), which literally translates as "Coming of the Bow (Sagittarius)".
  8. The Secretariat of the House (1932c, p. 357): Royal astrologers gave King Prajadhilok three dates as the best dates for signing this constitution, including 1 December 1932, 10 December 1932, and an unmentioned date in the middle of January 1933. 10 December 1932 was chosen.