Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/10

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In a criminal case, a person shall not be forced to make a statement incriminating himself or herself.

An application for a bail of a suspect or defendant in a criminal case shall be accepted for consideration, and excessive bail shall not be demanded. The refusal of a bail must be as provided by law.

Section 30. Forced labour shall not be imposed, except by virtue of a provision of law enacted for the purpose of averting public calamity, or when a state of emergency or martial law is declared, or during the time when the country is in a state of war or armed conflict.

Section 31. A person shall enjoy full liberty to profess a religion, and shall enjoy the liberty to exercise or practice a form of worship in accordance with his or her religious principles, provided that it shall not be adverse to the duties of all Thai people, neither shall it endanger the safety of the State, nor shall it be contrary to public order or good morals.

Section 32. A person shall enjoy the rights of privacy, dignity, reputation and family.

Any act violating or affecting the right of a person under paragraph one, or exploitationof personal information in any manner whatsoever shall not be permitted,except by virtue of a provision of law enacted only to the extent of necessity of public interest.

Section 33. A person shall enjoy the liberty of dwelling.

Entry into a dwelling without the consent of its possessor or a search of a dwelling or private place shall not be permitted, except by an order or a warrant issued by the Court or where there are other grounds as provided by law.

Section 34. A person shall enjoy the liberty to express opinions, make speeches, write, print, publicise and express by other means. The restriction of such liberty shall not be imposed, except by virtue of the provisions of law specifically enacted for the purpose of maintaining the security of the State, protecting the rights or liberties of other persons, maintaining public order or good morals, or protecting the health of the people.

Academic freedom shall be protected. However, the exercise of such freedom shall not be contrary to the duties of the Thai people or good morals, and shall respect and not obstruct the different views of another person.