Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/13

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  • (2) present a petition to a State agency and be informed of the result of its consideration in due time;
  • (3) take legal action against a State agency as a result of an act or omission of a government official, official or employee of the State agency.

Section 42. A person shall enjoy the liberty to unite and form an association, co-operative, union, organisation, community, or any other group.

The restriction of such liberty under paragraph one shall not be imposed except by virtue of a provision of law enacted for the purpose of protecting public interest, for maintaining public order or good morals, or for preventing or eliminating barriers or monopoly.

Section 43. A person and community shall have the right to:

  • (1) conserve, revive or promote wisdom, arts, culture, tradition and good customs at both local and national levels;
  • (2) manage, maintain and utilise natural resources, environment and biodiversity in a balanced and sustainable manner, in accordance with the procedures as provided by law;
  • (3) sign a joint petition to propose recommendations to a State agency to carry out any act which will benefit the people and community, or refrain from any act which will affect the peaceful living of the people or community, and be notified expeditiously of the result of the consideration thereof, provided that the State agency, in considering such recommendations, shall also permit the people relevant thereto to participate in the consideration process in accordance with the procedures as provided by law;
  • (4) establish community welfare system.

The rights of a person and community under paragraph one shall also include the right to collaborate with a local administrative organisation or the State to carry out such act.

Section 44. A person shall enjoy the liberty to assemble peacefully and without arms.

The restriction of such liberty under paragraph one shall not be imposed except by virtue of a provision of law enacted for the purpose of maintaining security of the State, public safety, public order or good morals, or for protecting the rights or liberties of other persons.