Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/16

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the people or community such benefit in accordance with the rules and procedures provided by law.

Section 52. The State shall protect and uphold the institution of kingship, independence, sovereignty, integrity of the territories and the areas over which Thailand has the sovereignty rights, honour and interests of the Nation, security of the State, and public order. For these purposes, the State shall provide efficient military, diplomatic, and intelligence services.

Armed forces shall also be deployed for the purpose of developing the country.

Section 53. The State shall ensure that the law is strictly observed and enforced.

Section 54. The State shall ensure that every child receives quality education for twelve years from pre-school to the completion of compulsory education free of charge.

The State shall ensure that young children receive care and development prior to education under paragraph one to develop their physical body, mind, discipline, emotion, society and intelligence in accordance with their age, by also promoting and supporting local administrative organisations and the private sector to participate in such undertaking.

The State shall undertake to provide the people education as needed in various systems including promoting a life-long learning, and toenablethe cooperation among the State, local administrative organisations and private sector in providing every level of education which the State has the duty to carry out, supervise, promote and support the provision of education to be of quality and to meet international standards as provided by law on national education which shall, at least, contain provisions relating to national education plan, and implementation and inspection to ensure the compliance with the national education plan.

All education shall aim to develop learners to be good, disciplined, proud in the Nation, skillful in their own aptitudes and responsible for family, community, society and the country.

In undertaking to provide young children to receive care and development under paragraph two or to provide people the education under paragraph three, the State shall undertake to provide persons with insufficient means with financial support for educational expenses in accordance with their aptitudes.

A fund shall be established for the purpose of assisting persons with insufficient means, reducing the educational disparity and promoting and improving the quality and efficiency of teachers for which the State shall allocate budget to such fund or