Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/18

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Section 58. In regard to any undertaking by the State or that the State will permit any person to carry out, if such undertaking may severely affect the natural resources, environmental quality, health, sanitation, quality of life or any other essential interests of the people or community or environment, the State shall undertake to study and assess the impact on environmental quality and health of the people or community and shall arrange a public hearing of relevant stakeholders, people and communities in advance in order to take them into consideration for the implementation or granting of permission as provided by the law.

A person and community shall have the rights to receive information, explanation and reasons from a State agency prior to the implementation or granting of permission under paragraph one.

In the implementation or granting of permission under paragraph one, theState shall take precautions to minimise the impact on people, community, environment, and biodiversity and shall undertake to remedy the grievance or damage for the affected people or community in a fair manner without delay.

Section 59. The State shall disclose any public data or information in the possession of a State agency, which is not related to the security of the State or government confidentiality as provided by law, and shall ensure that the public can conveniently access such data or information.

Section 60. The State shall maintain the transmission frequencies and the right to access a satellite orbit, which are national treasuries, in order to utilize them for the benefit of the country and the people.

The arrangement for utilisation of the transmission frequencies under paragraph one, regardless of whether it is for radio broadcasting, television broadcasting and telecommunications or for anyother purposes, shall be for the greatest benefit of the people, security of the State, public interest as well as the participation of the people in the utilisation of transmission frequency, as provided by law.

The State shall establish a State organisation which is independent in performing duties to be responsible and supervise the undertakings in relation to transmission frequencies under paragraph two. In this regard, such organisation shall ensure that there are measures to preventagainst unfair consumer exploitation or imposition of unnecessary burden on consumers, to prevent the interference of transmission frequencies, as well as to prevent an act which results in obstructing the liberty of the people to know or preventing the people from knowing true and accurate data or information, and to prevent any person or any group of person from utilising the transmission frequencies without considering the