Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/62

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Section 178. The King has the Royal Prerogative to conclude a peace treaty, armistice, and other treaties with other countries or international organisations.

Any treaty which provides for a change in Thai territories or external territories over which Thailand has sovereign right or jurisdiction under a treaty or international law, or which requires the enactment of an Act for implementation, and other treaties which may have wide scale effects on the security of economy, society, or trade or investment of the country must be approved by the National Assembly. In this regard, the National Assembly shall complete its consideration within sixty days as from the date of receipt of such matter. If the National Assembly does not complete the consideration within such period of time, it shall be deemed that the National Assembly has given approval.

Other treaties which may have wide scale effects on the security of economy, society, or trade or investment of the country under paragraph two are treaties pertaining to free trade, common customs union, or the authorization of natural resources utilisation, or which cause the country to lose rights over natural resources, in whole or in part, or on any other treaties provided by law.

There shall also be a law prescribing procedures for the public to participate in the expression of opinions and to obtain necessary remedy from the effects of conclusion of a treaty under paragraph three.

Where a question arises as to whether any treaty constitutes a case under paragraph two or paragraph three, the Council of Ministers may request the Constitutional Court to render a decision thereon. The Constitutional Court shall complete its decision within thirty days as from the date of receipt of such request.

Section 179. The King has the Royal Prerogative to grant a pardon.

Section 180. The King appoints and removes officials in the military service and civil service who hold the positions of Permanent Secretary, Director-General and their equivalents, except in the case of vacation of office upon death, retirement or removal from government service due to a punishment.

Section 181. A government official and a State official holding a permanent position or receiving a permanent salary and not being a political official shall not be a political official or hold other political positions.

Section 182. All laws, Royal Rescripts and Royal Commands relating to the State affairs must be countersigned by a Minister unless otherwise provided in the Constitution.