Page:Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2560BE).pdf/93

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  • (3) the people are happy, have good quality of life, and participate in development of the country and democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State.

Section 258. National reform in various areas shall be carried out to at least achieve the following results:

  • a. Politics:
    • (1) ensuring that people have correct knowledge and understanding on the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State, that people participate in the organisation of political activities as well as the scrutiny of exercise of State powers, that they are able to tolerate different bona fide political views, and that the people exercise the right to vote in an election and in a referendum independently and free from influence by any mean;
    • (2) ensuring that activities of political parties are organised in an open and transparent manner to enable political parties to develop into political institutions of the people who share a common political ideology, and have clear and concrete processes to ensure that members of the political party truly participate and are accountable for political activities and the selection of persons with knowledge, competence, integrity and good morality and ethics to be persons holding political positions;
    • (3) having a mechanism to determine accountability of a political party for promoting policies that have not been subjected to a thorough assessment of impact, costeffectiveness and risk;
    • (4) having a mechanism that requires persons holding political positions to perform duties with integrity and to be held accountable to the public in the performance of their duties;
    • (5) having a mechanism to resolve political conflicts by peaceful means in accordance with the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State;
  • b. Administration of State Affairs:
    • (1) ensuring that suitable technology is applied to the administration of State affairs and provision of public services for the benefit of the administration of State affairs and for the convenience of the people;
    • (2) integrating databases of all State agencies to provide a data system for the administration of State affairs and the provision of services to the people;
    • (3) improving and developing the structure and system for the management of State operations and manpower planning for the public sector to promptly respond to changes and new challenges, provided that the undertakings must be carried out in a manner compatible with the different missions of each State agency;