Page:Convention on International Civil Aviation - 1944.djvu/34

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of the Organization among the contracting States on the basis which it shall from time to time determine.

Article 62

Suspension of voting power The Assembly may suspend the voting power in the Assembly and in the Council of any contracting State that falls to discharge within a reasonable period its financial obligations to the Organization.

Article 63

Expenses of delegations and other representatives Each contracting State shall bear the expenses of its own delegation to the Assembly and the remuneration, travel, and other expenses of any person whom it appoints to serve on the Council, and of its nominees or representatives on any subsidiary committees or commissions of the Organization.



Article 64

Security arrangements The Organization may, with respect to air matters within its competence directly affecting world security, by vote of the Assembly enter into appropriate arrangements with any general organization set up by the nations of the world to preserve peace.

Article 65

Arrangements with other international bodies

The Council, on behalf of the Organization, may enter into agreements with other international bodies for the maintenance of common services and for common arrangements concerning personnel and, with the