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ACCIPIT?R cooperi, 44, .gI. ~ ........ ., .2I; [{r?[ocichla ustulata ?edica in the velox, 44, 9x.  ? ........ ' ". ? :e{r? IgeIvadas, 29; notice of his 'Water Adams, E., a day with ?h{ ?aStb?&7.?:-' Ho{se.' ',' ;BlUrts%f the Pacific District,' 57, 99. Finches again, 24; persis$en? n?sti13g qf Bitter. n, American, 94. the Anna's Hummingbird? hS;;W?s[ef, al "? ', Bl?lc?bird, Brewer's, 92. Evening Grosbeak in SaI?'tl? Ol?ra0?o.; ... 'Sonoran Redwinged, 92. Cal., 3L Bluebird, Mountain, 29, 3 x, 52, 93- -?Echmophorus occidentalis, 90. _?Egialitis nivosa, 94. vocifera, 91. Aeronautes melanoleucus, 43. A?strelata scalaris, 99. _?Etodrormas cooperi, Age!aius phceniceus, 95. phceniceus longirostris, 92. Alcedo inspida bengalensis, 46. Ammodramas beldingi, 73. caudacutus becki, 77. rostratus guttatus, 92. sandwichensis Maudinns, 92. sandwichensis bryanti, 87- Amphispiza belli cinerea, 93. Anas boschas, 9 o. carolinensis, 9 o. penelope, 9 . Anthony, A. W.. a night at sea, IOX. Artthus pensilvanicas, 93. Aphelocoma californica, 42. Aquila chrysa?tos, 9 I. Ardea herodias, 9x. virescens, 91 . Arenaria interpres, 94. Asio accipitrinus, 92. Astragalinus lawrencei, 42, 45, 92. psaltria, 42, 45. Atkinson, W. L., notes on Audubon's Warbler and the individuality of eggs, 29: cap- ture of a rabbit by a Golden Eagle, 50; Band-tailed Pigeon nesting in Santa Clara Co., Cal., 57; nesting of the Cali- fornia Cuckoo, 95. Atthis motcoral, 99. Auklet, Cassin's, 85, Rhinoceros, I7. Auriparus flaviceps, 93. Aythya affinis, 90. collaris, 90. BX?LOW, C., William S. Cobleigh, t2; prom- inent Californian ornithologists, W. Otto Emerson, 20: early Hummingbirds' nesting, ?4; is the unlimited collecting of birds in breeding season justified? 47. another chapter on the nesting of Den- droica occidentalis and other Sierra notes, 59; prominent Californian ornith- ologists, Rollo H. Beck, 77; the nesting of the Black-throated Gray Warbler, 96 . Beck, R. H., nesting of the Santa Cn?z Jay, 6; additional notes on the birds of Santa Cruz Island, 85; notes on the Black Swift in Monterey Co., Cal., 94. Beck, Rollo H., a sketch of, 77. Belding, L., nesting of Hylocichla aonala- schk?v auduboni in the Sierra Nevadas, Western, 52 , 93- Bobolink, 73, 93. Botaurus lentiginosus, 94. Bowles, J. H., decoy nests of the Western Win- ter Wren, 72. Branta bernJoia, 9 o. Brant, 9o. Breninger, G. F., the passing of Alfonse For- rer, 66; Bobolink at Monterey and White- throated Sparrow at Santa Cruz, Cal., 93. Bubo virginianus saturatus, 79. virginianus subarcticus, 92. Buffie-head, qo. Bunting, Lazuli, 7, 45- Bush-Tit, 43. California, 45- Butev abbreviatus, 9 L borealis calurus, 44, 67, 9 I. CA.?LIPEPLA. gainbell, 9I. Calypte anna, 24, 42, 67. costa, 67. Caracara, Audubon's, 9x- Cardinalis, I6. Carpodacus mexicanus clementis, 44. nlexicanus frontalis, 6, 4I, 68, 92. purpureus californic?ls, 68. Cartiger, H. W., unusual lining of a Red-bel- lied Hawk's nest and Sonoma county notes, 5I; elevated nest of the Lutescent Warbler, 72; the Yellow Rail and Sdw- Whet Owl in Sonoma county, Cal., 72; notes on the nesting of the Slender- billed Nuthatch, 83; breeding of the Dusky Horned Lark in eastern Wash- ington, 86. Cathartes aura, 67, 9 I. Certhia familiaris occidentalis, 68. Ceryle aleyon, 92. Cha?mra vauxii, 44. Chama?a fasciata, 79' Charitouetta albeola, 90. Chat, Long-tailed, 8, 95. Chickadee, Chestnut-backed, 84. Oregon, 84. Chondestes grammacus strigatus, 68, 92. Chordeiles virginianus henryi, 28. Chrysomitris forreri, 66. Chrysotis forred, 66. Circus hudsonius, 94. Cistothorus palustris paludicola, 93. Cobleigh, Win. S., obituary notice of, Coccothraustes vespertinus montanus, 3 I, 54, 95. Cohen, D. A., California Clapper Rail in Ala- meda, Co. Cal, 3I; nesting and other habits