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Otocoris alpestris arenicola, 92. alpestris chrysolaema, 67. alpestris insularis, 4L alpestris merrilli, 86. Ouzel, Water, 23. Owl, Burrowing, 92 . Mexican Screech, 92 . Saw-Whet, 72 . Short-eared, 92. Western Horned, 2x, 22, 36, 92. Oystercatcher, Black, 85. PARTRIDGE, California, 6x. Gambel's, 9L Plumed, 60. Valley, 73. ? Parus atricapillus occidentalis, 84. gambeli, 68. inornatus, 68. , rufescens, 84. Passer montanus, 46. Passerella iliaca megarhyncha, 80. iliaca unalaschceusis, 28. ? Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, 9 o. Pelican, American White, 9 o. Brown? IOl. Petrel, Black, ?o2. Leach&s, 73, Petrochelidon lunifrons, 68. Pewee, Western Wood, 8. Phainopepla nitens, 68, 93. Phainopepla, 8. Phalacrocorax penicillatus, 9 o. Phalaenoptilus nuttalli nitidus, 92. Phoebe, Black, I3, 45, 92- Say's, 7, 92. Pica caudata, 46. Pigeon, Band-tailed, 7, 57. Piranga ludoviciana, 68. Pipilo aberti, 93. fuscns carolae, II. fuseus crissalis, H, 6L maculatus megalonyx, 47, 68, 86. maculatus oregonus, 42, 6I. Pipit, American, 7., 53, 93, 95. Podilymbus podiceps, 9 o. Polioptila plumbea, 93. Polyborus cheriway, 9L Poocaetes gramineus affinis, 3o. gramineus confinis, 92. Poor-will, 92. Porzana coturniculus, 99. Price, W. W., some winter birds of the lower Colorado Valley, 89. Psaltriparus minimus californicus, 45. Pseudogryphus californianus, 67. Publications received, 36, 58, 76, xoo. Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus, 92. Pyrrhuloxia, x6. Rxx?,, California ?lapper, 3x. Yellow, 72 . Raven, American, 45, 68, 7?, 92. White-necked, 92. Ray, M. S., winter birds of Shanghai, 46; pe- culiar eggs of California Shrike and other notes, 53. Redhead, 9, ?o. Redington, A. P., the condor in Santa Barbara county, ?9; taking of a condor's egg, 75. Redtail, Western, 2x, 22, 44, 9 x. Redstart, Painted, 65. Regulus calendula, 54, 93. satrapa olivaceus, 28. Rising, H. G., capture of a California Condor, 25. Roadrunner, 9 2 . Robertson, H., nesting of Belding's Sparrow, 73; nesting notes from Los Angeles, Cal., 94. Robin, Western, 7, 3 , 52. Rothschild, L. W. and E. Harteft, notice of their 'A Reviewof the Ornithology of the Galapagos Islands,' xx6. SALPINCTES obsoletus, 4, 93. Sandpiper, Baird's, 9x. Western, 91 . Sapsucker, Redbreasted, 7, 28, 54. Red-naped, 7. Sayornis nigricans, 45, 92. saya, 92. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus, 68, 92. Scoter, White-winged, 9 o. Selasphorus allertl, 42. Shearwater, Black-vented? xo2. Shields, A.M., nesting of the Fulvous Tree Duck, 9. Shovellet, 90. Shrike, California, 29 . Island, 42 . White-rumped, 93. Sialia arctica, 29, 52, 93. mexicana occidentalis, 68, 93. Sitta canadensis, 53, 28, 95. carolinensis aculeata, 68. Slevin, T. E., early bird arrivals for x899 , 29; Violet-green Swallow in Marin county; two unrecorded captures, 73. Snipe, Wilson's, 56. Southern Division, official minutes of, xS, 36, 58, 76, Ioo, xx 9. Sparrow, Belding's. 73. Black-chinned, 7, 8, xo 7. Brewer's, 93. Desert Song, 93. English, 53. Fox, 17 . Golden-crowned, 7, 8, 45. Gray Sage, 93. Intermediate, 6, 8, 4I, 89, 92. Lincoln's, 7, 8, 45. lVlendocino Song, 87. Mountain Song, 28. Oregon Vesper, 3 . Rufous-crowned, 77. Santa Barbara Song, 44. St. Lucas, 92 . Tehama Song, 35. lii1979