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BULLETIN OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB. and cool shades of Tahoe. Specters of decay linger in the neglected garden and unpruned orchard, and the old road- side houses stqre out upon the deserted reaches like crumbling monuments in a cemetery of industries hmg since dead. As we ascend to higher altitudes the landscape stretches away until the pine- clad hills are melted in the mellow dis- tance. Far down in the blue-tinted valley clustered hmnlets mark the sites of busy mines, and gleams of white Io9 caped their telescopic vision, not a flash of wings but has been promptly listed and bound in thongs of unspellable Lat- in. By gentle protest they are dissuad- ed fronl climbing to the top of a tall Lombard poplar to investigate the do- mestic affairs of a flycatcher, but there is no commercial taint to their enthusi- asm,- they are not here to despoil in the nmne of Science! The outposts of the Sierran timber belt loom up in the distance and it is with admiration akin Pl,'oto fly I. oren E. Ta)'lor, F_v?', CaL OUR ()LD SIERRA CABIN IN WINTER. (This patriarchal cahin among the pine.? has served olten as a lodge for ornithologists sojournlag at l?'yffe, on the Lake Tahoe Road, during the summer.) through spires of conifers reveal the se- questered homes of ranchmen. For more than half a century the gold- hunter has been writing history in these hills, and from the rude inscriptions 'grayed with pick and shovel and drill may be read untold stories of Roaring Croup and tales of romance and pathos, of hope and despair. ?,Vith eager eyes my enthusiastic friends search the wayside for an alien visitant. Not an adjacent nest has es- to reverence that we approach the grandest woodland in all the world. As we enter into the solemn shade and listen to the eternal whisper of its foli- age, one is deeply reminded of that heritage of the supernatural which, in - the ancient dawn of intelligence. peop- led the solitudes with gods and phan- tonls. Soon we arrive at our destination, a little nook, carved out of the forest, that nfight have been torn from an eastern