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of three


The firſt written by Dr. John Nicol at New-York, to Mr. William Wardrobe, Surgeon in the Graſsmarket of Edinburgh; the ſecond by a diſſenting Miniſter in England to a Gentleman in Scotland; the third from a Miniſter at Boſton to his Friend at Glaſgow.

Giving an ACCOUNT of the Progreſs and Succeſs of the Goſpel in foreign Parts.

Pſam ii. S.----I ſhall give thee the Heathen for thine Inheritance, and the uttermoſt Parts of the Earth for thy Poſſeſſion. Pſalm lxxii. 8. He ſhall have Dominion alſo from Sea to Sea, and from the River to the Ends of the Earth. Pſalm lxxxvii. 5. And of Zion it ſhall be ſaid, This and that Man was born in her: And the Higheſt himſelf ſhalt eſtabliſh her.

Printed by A. Alison, oppoſite to the Bow-head
Well, for David Duncan. Mdccxl.