Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/463

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cidently with the general copyright code, covers this field in remarkable detail. It provides that the au- thor, during the continuance of the publishing con- tract within the copyright period, may not reproduce or distribute the work otherwise than through the publisher, except in translation, dramatization (or if a play, novelization) or elaboration of a musical work which is not merely a transposition or arrangement. The author is privileged to include his work in a col- lected edition twenty years after publication, or an article from a collective work after one year; and the publisher may not republish in such form under the contract. Unless otherwise specified, the publisher Editions is entitled to print only one edition, if undefined one thousand copies, in addition to extra copies for re- placing damaged copies and not more than five per cent free copies ; destroyed copies may be replaced on notice to author. Opportunity for revision must be afforded to the author in new editions. Alterations Alterations are permitted to the author before reproduction and at his expense during the progress of the work, but he cannot be charged for alterations necessitated by new circumstances. The publisher may not make alterations or abbreviation of text or title, except those to which the author cannot fairly refuse con- sent.

The publisher must issue the work in suitable form Issuance of in accordance with the customs of the trade and the """^^ character of the book, and immediately after receipt of the complete work or completed separate part. The publisher must take measures to keep the book in stock. He is not bound to produce a new edition, but if on request from the author he fails to do so, the publishing right reverts to the author. The publisher may cancel the contract, if the purpose of a work no longer exists, on payment of remuneration to the