Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/494

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teresting comparison of Spanish law with that of Great Britain and America by D. F. G. Garofalo y Morales.

International compilations A most valuable compilation of the copyright laws and treaties of all countries, comprising a literal translation into German of about 250 acts, is "Gesetze über das Urheberrecht in alien Ländern," edited in a second edition by Prof. Ernest Röthlisberger (Leipzig, Hedeler, 1902, 418 p.), which was complemented by his summary of the domestic and international law of copyright in the different countries, "Der interne und der Internationale Schutz des Urheberrechts," also in its second edition (Leipzig, Boersenverein der deutschen Buchhändler, 1904, 116 p.), comprising references or mentions covering fifty-seven countries and forty-nine colonies, especially the British colonies. With these should be mentioned "Recueil des conventions et traités concernant la propriété littéraire et artistique," published under the auspices of the Bureau of the International Copyright Union (Berne, Bureau de l'Union Internationale, 1904, 8vo, 908 p.). These works are supplemented by the publication from month to month in the Droit d'Auteur of Berne, of which Prof. Röthlisberger is the editor, of new conventions, treaties, laws and other material, bringing world-information up to date.