Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/581

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or of any Part thereof, as or for the unaltered Work of such Author or Maker: Every Offender under this Section shall, upon Convic- Penalties tion, forfeit to the Person aggrieved a Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds, or not exceeding double the full Price, if any, at which all such Copies, Engravings, Imitations, or altered Works shall have been sold or offered for Sale; and all such Copies, Engravings, Imitations, or altered Works shall be forfeited to the Person, or the Assigns or legal Representatives of the Person, whose Name, Initials, or Monogram shall be so fraudulently signed or affixed thereto, or to whom such spurious or altered Work shall be so fraudulently or falsely ascribed as aforesaid : Provided always, that the Penalties imposed by this Section shall not be incurred unless the Person whose Name, Initials, or Monogram shall be so fraudulently signed or affixed, or to whom such spurious or altered Work shall be so fraudu- lently or falsely ascribed as aforesaid, shall have been living at or within Twenty Years next before the Time when the Offence may have been committed.

VIII. All pecuniary Penalties which shall be incurred. Recovery of and all such unlawful Copies, Imitations, and all other pecuniary Effects and Things as shall have been forfeited by Of- Pe'ialties fenders, pursuant to this Act, may be recovered by the Person herein-before and in any such Acts as aforesaid em- powered to recover the same respectively, and herein-after called the Complainant or the Complainer, as follows:

In England and Ireland, either by Action against the In England Party offending, or by summary Proceeding before ^^^ Ireland any Two Justices having Jurisdiction where the Party offending resides: In Scotland by Action before the Court of Session in In Scotland ordinary Form, or by summary Action before the Sheriff of the County where the Offence may be committed or the Offender resides, and any Judg- ment so to be pronounced by the Sheriff in such summary Application shall be final and conclusive, and not subject to Review by Suspension, Reduc- tion, or otherwise.