Page:Copyright Act 1987 (Malaysia Act 332).pdf/42

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[Pt. VII, S. 44-46]


destroyed, he may enter such house or premises without a warrant and seize any such copy, contrivance, article, book or document from therein.

(2) An Assistant Controller or a police officer not below the rank of Inspector making the search may seize any infringing copy, contrivance used or intended to be used for making infringing copies or capable of being used for the purpose of making infringing copies, or any other article, book or document and if any such copy, contrivance, article, book or document is seized, he shall produce the same before the magistrate, and upon such production the magistrate shall direct the same to be kept in the custody of the Controller or the police for the purpose of any investigation or prosecution under this Act.

Effecting entry, removal and detention. 45. Any Assistant Controller or police officer not below the rank of Inspector may in the exercise of his powers under section 44, if it is necessary so to do—

(a) break open any outer or inner door of the dwelling house or any other premises and enter thereinto;
(b) forcibly enter the place and every part thereof;
(c) remove by force any obstruction to entry, search, seizure and removal as he is empowered to effect; and
(d) detain every person found in the place until the place has been searched.

List of things seized. 46. (1) The Assistant Controller or police officer not below the rank of Inspector seizing any infringing copy, contrivance, article, book or document under this Part shall prepare a list of the things seized and forthwith deliver a copy signed by him to the occupier, or his agents or servants present in the premises.

(2) If the premises are unoccupied, the Assistant Controller or police officer not below the rank of Inspector shall wherever possible post a list of the things seized on the premises.