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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

2121.5(A) Manufacturing Requirements

As a general rule, to be registrable for the renewal term a lithograph or photoengraving, whether first published as an illustration in a book or as a separate work, should be manufactured in the United States.

Exceptions: In the following cases a lithograph or photoengraving does not have be manufactured in the United States:

• It represents a subject located abroad and illustrates a scientific work or reproduces an artistic work.

• It qualifies for renewal registration as a U.C.C. work.

• It is first published as part of a larger work other than a book (for example a periodical, a drama, or a musical composition).

• It is first published in a book that is not subject to the manufacturing clause (for example, a foreign language book written by a foreign author and first published abroad).

NOTE: When the entire text of a book is in the public domain and the illustrations constitute the new material, or when multiple lithographs or photoengravings are published in a collection in which these elements predominate, they are treated as separate works, and each illustration, lithograph, or photoengraving must meet the statutory requirements.

2121.5(B) Notice Requirements

The copyright notice must be permanently affixed to the work itself and the required elements should appear together. For information concerning the required elements and location of the notice, see Section 2121.1.

2121.6 Architectural Works

For renewal registration purposes, an architectural work can be registered only as a technical drawing. See Section 2121.3. Form RE should describe only the authorship contained in the drawing and should not refer to any element associated with the building itself, because an architectural work as it exists in a building was not protected under the statute until December 1, 1990.

2122 Works of the Performing Arts

This category of works includes classes C through E and L through N under the Copyright Act of 1909 and, since 1978, all categories of works currently registered in classes PA and SR. For renewal registration purposes, this category of works includes published and unpublished songs and musical works, dramatic works (with or without music), motion pictures and other audiovisual works, and unpublished lectures, sermons, interviews, and speeches prepared for oral delivery, presentation, or performance. From February 15, 1972, it also includes published sound recordings.

Chapter 2100 : 49


Chapter _00 : 49