Page:Copyright Office Compendium 3rd Edition - Full.djvu/1050

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Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition

2124 Manufacturing Clause

Section 15 of the Copyright Act of 1909 required that certain types of works be typeset, printed, and bound in the United States to secure the full original term of copyright. Proof must be provided that such works were manufactured in the United States.

2124.1 Classes of Works Subject to the Manufacturing Clause

The following works are subject to the manufacturing clause:

• All published nondramatic literary works (books and periodicals) except the following:

• Works exempt as U.C.C. works.

• Works with raised characters intended for the use of the blind.

• Works printed or produced in the United States by processes not covered by the manufacturing clause. Copyright Act of 1909, amended by Pub. L. No. 69-464, § 15, 44 Stat. 1075 [1926). 29

• Works in a foreign language by a foreign author first published abroad.

• Works in English, first published abroad with the statutory copyright notice, and with ad interim copyright secured, during the term of which copies were manufactured in the United States.

• Lithographs and photoengravings, either as illustrations in books or as separate works such as two-dimensional prints and labels except the following:

• Works exempt as U.C.C. works.

• Works that represent a subject located abroad and illustrate a scientific work or reproduce a work of art.

29 "Whether a ... book which is mimeographed, typewritten, or produced by a similar process of manual duplication is required to be so produced in the U.S. is regarded as doubtful." Compendium [First] § 6.2.1.I.C (1st ed. 1973).

Chapter 2100 : 60


Chapter _00 : 60